I am first year aerospace engineering mechanic student and can anyone help with this question.
I know i have to use method of joints but I am so confused on how to use it and this is for my first engineering assignment.
Please help me out
here is the question:
Consider the space truss represented schematically in Figure 1. It has
21 struts and a fixed support at “C”. At joint “E”, it is applied a force
vector with a component of 30 N, along the x-axis, and a component
of 10 N, along the negative y-axis, as shown in Figure 1. Using the
method of joints, calculate the forces for the struts converging at joint
“G”, i.e. the forces for struts “GB”, “GC”, “GD”, “GE”, “GF” and “GH”
and specify if the struts are in tension or in compression. (Your
submission must include the Free Body Diagram (FBD) of each joint
and the application of the equilibrium equations for the
corresponding FBD).
somehow I can't upload the figure 1 😭