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Arkwright Scholarship 2024 Y11s

Couldn't find any threads that mentioned anything for this years' applicants so thought I'd make one. Deadline is coming up how is everyone feeling? Most nervous for the aptitude exam though, looks impossible! For a non DT student anyway...

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Original post by visula
Couldn't find any threads that mentioned anything for this years' applicants so thought I'd make one. Deadline is coming up how is everyone feeling? Most nervous for the aptitude exam though, looks impossible! For a non DT student anyway...
also a non DT student and it does look hard! im still working on my project for the application but i hope to get it finished tomorrow/ this week
Reply 2
Original post by muirinn16
also a non DT student and it does look hard! im still working on my project for the application but i hope to get it finished tomorrow/ this week

omg LOL my project is so physical so i had to beg schools dt teacher to let me use the facillities but im only allowed on mondays tuesdays and thursdays lunches
Original post by visula
omg LOL my project is so physical so i had to beg schools dt teacher to let me use the facillities but im only allowed on mondays tuesdays and thursdays lunches

i had to bring stuff home from the DT department too lol and figure out how to use solidworks and circuit wizard 💀 it was a struggle
Reply 4
Original post by muirinn16
i had to bring stuff home from the DT department too lol and figure out how to use solidworks and circuit wizard 💀 it was a struggle

omg im still not done LOL this is so lat minute!!
Original post by visula
omg im still not done LOL this is so lat minute!!

hope you got finished in time! im struggling with the arkwright papers theyre so hard cuz i have no DT knowledge
Reply 6
Original post by muirinn16
hope you got finished in time! im struggling with the arkwright papers theyre so hard cuz i have no DT knowledge

i swear theyre like impossible i looked at one and was like yeah this seems do able and prob what i wouldve done and then i see the examinor start bashing them LOL
Original post by visula
i swear theyre like impossible i looked at one and was like yeah this seems do able and prob what i wouldve done and then i see the examinor start bashing them LOL

i cant even come up with anything at all so atleast you can think of that LOL! im gonna try memorise mechanisms and stuff to try apply them
Original post by shem08
whatd u guys do for your projects? i did some facial recognition thing with machine learning on a raspberry pi. also are u guys doing revision for the test? i dont have dt knowledge either so idk what im gonna do only have cs and electronics

that sounds so cool!! i did a educational kids clock for learning how to tell time powered by a lemon battery to be sustainable. mines not finished so its kinda messy but oh well! i also dont have cs or electronics knowledge so im absolutely dead for the exam 💀
Original post by visula
Couldn't find any threads that mentioned anything for this years' applicants so thought I'd make one. Deadline is coming up how is everyone feeling? Most nervous for the aptitude exam though, looks impossible! For a non DT student anyway...

hi everyone! I am a year 12 student and received my scholarship in October. I want to tell you guys this;

having a background in DT or wtv literally does not matter. they want colours, diagrams, ideas and creativity for the exam. if you can do a bit of background research to help you communicate your ideas then that's great! also, they have a computer science-specific question for those who want it- that was new to my cohort of applications. feel free to ask me more questions!!

and for the comp sci question, you do NOT need to write in an actual coding language- legible, logical, understandable pseudocode is perfectly acceptable. but if you can write in actual accurate code then go for it!

also do NOT under ANY circumstances use more than half the time for either half of the exam- it's one hour each for a reason

also use as many colours and colour keys as you can- I drew boxes everywhere and labelled what they were for- aesthetics, mechanics, etc and also how they fulfilled the design brief I wrote down.

so make sure you fulfil what the question wants- don't get carried away

you have to be really good at time management for it as well- it's hard to come up with three good unique and original designs that quickly


and reading all of these made me laugh cus I felt exactly like you guys did
thankfully I took DT GCSE so I had the advantage of being able to use my coursework for the application
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 10
this exam is the most impossible thing ever wtf
Reply 11
Original post by burnt_t0ast
hi everyone! I am a year 12 student and received my scholarship in October. I want to tell you guys this;

having a background in DT or wtv literally does not matter. they want colours, diagrams, ideas and creativity for the exam. if you can do a bit of background research to help you communicate your ideas then that's great! also, they have a computer science-specific question for those who want it- that was new to my cohort of applications. feel free to ask me more questions!!

also do NOT under ANY circumstances use more than half the time for either half of the exam- it's one hour each for a reason

also use as many colours and colour keys as you can- I drew boxes everywhere and labelled what they were for- aesthetics, mechanics, etc and also how they fulfilled the design brief I wrote down.

so make sure you fulfil what the question wants- don't get carried away

you have to be really good at time management for it as well- it's hard to come up with three good unique and original designs that quickly


and reading all of these made me laugh cus I felt exactly like you guys did
thankfully I took DT GCSE so I had the advantage of being able to use my coursework for the application

DT gcse diff 😭

been looking at the example answers and omg some of the stuff is looking so good but then examiner comment is BRUTAL and telling them off.

how am i gonna learn cams pulleys gears and levers in 2 days bruhhh
Original post by visula
this exam is the most impossible thing ever wtf


it is

but they want to see ur creativity, like even if the product doesn't quite work irl, if you've put the thought and made it seem logical then you should be fine

I also never did any of the past papers sooo....
Original post by visula
DT gcse diff 😭

been looking at the example answers and omg some of the stuff is looking so good but then examiner comment is BRUTAL and telling them off.

how am i gonna learn cams pulleys gears and levers in 2 days bruhhh

im jsut gonna say

i did not need that pulleys and levers thing
at all
it was useless for me

I even made flashcards smh
Reply 14
Original post by burnt_t0ast
im jsut gonna say

i did not need that pulleys and levers thing
at all
it was useless for me

I even made flashcards smh

i do computer science at gcse but i applied with aerospace + mechanical engineering so i feel like its a bit silly for me to do the comp sci question no?
Original post by visula
i do computer science at gcse but i applied with aerospace + mechanical engineering so i feel like its a bit silly for me to do the comp sci question no?

i mean yeah sure

my friend is going into software engineering but she didn't do the comp sci question and she doesn't even do DT

just keep an open mind is all I would say
Reply 16
Original post by burnt_t0ast
i mean yeah sure

my friend is going into software engineering but she didn't do the comp sci question and she doesn't even do DT

just keep an open mind is all I would say

either way, i have sop much to cram learn

circuits are really important apparantly and material choice eg sustainability???
Original post by visula
this exam is the most impossible thing ever wtf

for real im so confused like what are mechanisms 💀💀
Original post by visula
either way, i have sop much to cram learn

circuits are really important apparantly and material choice eg sustainability???

circuits??? i know nothing about circuits...
and material choice is a good idea to look at cus it'll support your design, but you don't need to name stuff like straight grain oak or wtv. just choose like a few metals (aluminium's a good choice) and like three woods (cedar - lightweight, oak - durable and long lasting)
ofc this is if you do the question that asks for it
Original post by burnt_t0ast
hi everyone! I am a year 12 student and received my scholarship in October. I want to tell you guys this;

having a background in DT or wtv literally does not matter. they want colours, diagrams, ideas and creativity for the exam. if you can do a bit of background research to help you communicate your ideas then that's great! also, they have a computer science-specific question for those who want it- that was new to my cohort of applications. feel free to ask me more questions!!

and for the comp sci question, you do NOT need to write in an actual coding language- legible, logical, understandable pseudocode is perfectly acceptable. but if you can write in actual accurate code then go for it!

also do NOT under ANY circumstances use more than half the time for either half of the exam- it's one hour each for a reason

also use as many colours and colour keys as you can- I drew boxes everywhere and labelled what they were for- aesthetics, mechanics, etc and also how they fulfilled the design brief I wrote down.

so make sure you fulfil what the question wants- don't get carried away

you have to be really good at time management for it as well- it's hard to come up with three good unique and original designs that quickly


and reading all of these made me laugh cus I felt exactly like you guys did
thankfully I took DT GCSE so I had the advantage of being able to use my coursework for the application

thank you for this!! my problem is as im not doing DT i have no clue about any mechanisms at all! i can come up with ideas easily i just cant put the mechanisms into them to make it a real product

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