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Population Health Sciences UCL 2024

Please is anyone applying for this course for September 2024? I haven’t heard anything from anyone. It’s like no one knows the course exists. Or global humanitarian studies or any social sciences?? Let me knowwww 🤍🤍

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Im planning to apply to this course for September 2024!
Im applying to most global humanitarian studies and public health courses. I hope I get an offer from the low popularity....
Original post by Anonymous #2
Im planning to apply to this course for September 2024!
Im applying to most global humanitarian studies and public health courses. I hope I get an offer from the low popularity....

Is UCL your top choice? have u sent your application yet and where else have u applied cause i’m doing the exact same💓💓 but ucl is my fave so i really hope i get it
UCL is my current top choice!
I havent sent in my application yet but Im going to do it really soon.
Im applying to UCL, KCL, Manchester, Nottingham and im thinking of birkbeck or A.R.U but im not sure on the last one cuz i cant find gd public health courses based in LondonT-T
I rly hope i get in too...
Original post by Anonymous #2
UCL is my current top choice!
I havent sent in my application yet but Im going to do it really soon.
Im applying to UCL, KCL, Manchester, Nottingham and im thinking of birkbeck or A.R.U but im not sure on the last one cuz i cant find gd public health courses based in LondonT-T
I rly hope i get in too...

what’s the course at king’s called that you haveapplied too?? i also only wanna go university inlondon😭 i have all my offers including kings. which iam happy with but ucl is the dream. what are urpredicts and what alevels are u doing? sorry for all thequestions💕 ur genuinly the first person i found doingthis course this year😭
Im going to apply to Global health and social science in KCL!
Omg congratulations!!! Im doing the IB programme but my grades arent so good... Our school started to give harsher grades this year because of problems with the seniors last year...
Ur the first person I found too
Original post by Anonymous #2
Im going to apply to Global health and social science in KCL!
Omg congratulations!!! Im doing the IB programme but my grades arent so good... Our school started to give harsher grades this year because of problems with the seniors last year...
Ur the first person I found too

AHHHH my offer at king’s is for global health and social medicine!!! omg im hoping for u!! try and send ur application off asap 💓💓 i hope they aren’t too harsh it would be annoying to miss requirements. last year ucl people started getting offers for population health around 2nd of feb so i think we gotta wait ;((
Original post by Anonymous #1
AHHHH my offer at king’s is for global health and social medicine!!! omg im hoping for u!! try and send ur application off asap 💓💓 i hope they aren’t too harsh it would be annoying to miss requirements. last year ucl people started getting offers for population health around 2nd of feb so i think we gotta wait ;((

omg!!! congratsss! I was gonna apply there too but i didnt take bio so i couldntT-T
Im thinking of sending it next week! Im so nervous. I hope itll be okay...
Omg rly, i hate waiting ugh:frown:(((( its so scary
Original post by Anonymous #2
omg!!! congratsss! I was gonna apply there too but i didnt take bio so i couldntT-T
Im thinking of sending it next week! Im so nervous. I hope itll be okay...
Omg rly, i hate waiting ugh:frown:(((( its so scary

thank you lovely 💓💓 honestly i doubt there’s a hugedifference between the two and the modules are sosimilar. best of luck!! if u get in everywhere will u pick ucl !? that’s my plan anyways 🤍💕💕
I think so too they are so similar so I dont rly see a difference haha.
I will pick ucl! thats my first priority for now!
Original post by Anonymous #2
I think so too they are so similar so I dont rly see a difference haha.
I will pick ucl! thats my first priority for now!

someone on reddit got an offer 3 weeks ago now i’m worried 💔
Have you heard back yet? Wish you the best of luck!
Original post by Anonymous #2
Have you heard back yet? Wish you the best of luck!

Not yet lovely I am still waiting 🤍 I have a meeting with admissions today so I’ll see how that goes! Have you sent yours off yet?
Oh okayyy.
I hope it goes well! My counsellor hasnt sent mine off yet so i guess not yet T-T
Original post by Anonymous #2
Oh okayyy.
I hope it goes well! My counsellor hasnt sent mine off yet so i guess not yet T-T

have you picked all ur options and completed your ucas? are u just waiting for it to be sent off now?
yea Im at that stage right now!
Original post by Anonymous #2
yea Im at that stage right now!

Oh my gosh good luck!!! Let me know how it goes 🤍🤍🤍
Thank you so much!!! U too! Hoping for the best!
Original post by Anonymous #2
Thank you so much!!! U too! Hoping for the best!

I just got off the phone with admissions and they said that so far they have 200 applications and only 100 offers to give out 💔💔💔 Those odds are scaryyy. they said they will start looking to give offers after the deadline
No way... why is there more applicants than previous years nowT-T
Those odds are so scary Im so scared now T-T
Oh okay... OMGT-T

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