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Hpe ucl 2024

Thinking about applying for this course and was just wondering what peoples predicted grades are? Mine are A*AA (in history maths and pol respectively). Will those grades be enough (if theres anyone who knows, like current or upcoming HPE undergrads)
Many thanks!

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Original post by Anonymous
Thinking about applying for this course and was just wondering what peoples predicted grades are? Mine are A*AA (in history maths and pol respectively). Will those grades be enough (if theres anyone who knows, like current or upcoming HPE undergrads)
Many thanks!

thats great! Im also applying to hpe and am on A*AA too but the ucas grades aren't finalised, although i study philosophy economics and business so im not sure if i should apply because they updated the course entry requirements and say you should study maths history and politics or maths history and econ which I don't.
Original post by hi12345679
thats great! Im also applying to hpe and am on A*AA too but the ucas grades aren't finalised, although i study philosophy economics and business so im not sure if i should apply because they updated the course entry requirements and say you should study maths history and politics or maths history and econ which I don't.

Yeah I saw that. Tbh I got very lucky that I'm already doing the ones they've defined. But you've still got economics, and I doubt they'll be too harsh considering they have only updated is recently. Email the department and see if it will really effect you that much although I doubt it will
Reply 3
Predicted A*A*A* in Chemistry, Economics and Maths
Gcses: 9999888887
Hopefully having chemistry doesn’t disadvantage me,
my personal statement is also very heavy on Eastern European politics and economics
(edited 1 year ago)
Predicted A*A*A* in Chemistry, Economics and Maths
Gcses: 9999888887
Hopefully having chemistry doesn’t disadvantage me,
my personal statement is also very heavy on Eastern European politics and economics

Doubt it will limit you because youve got maths and economics. I only talked about Eastern European politics in one of my paragraphs for my personal statement so hopefully that doesnt limit me.
Predicted 42 IB with a 7,7,6 however did not mention Eastern Europe much, instead concentrating on more on politics and economics. Where else have you guys applied?
Reply 6
Original post by Anonymous #2
Predicted 42 IB with a 7,7,6 however did not mention Eastern Europe much, instead concentrating on more on politics and economics. Where else have you guys applied?

LSE politics and economics, Warwick PPE
Has anyone had any offers for HPE yet?
Original post by Anonymous #3
Has anyone had any offers for HPE yet?

Nope still waiting
Reply 9
Original post by Anonymous #3
Has anyone had any offers for HPE yet?

Nah they’ll take forever I reckon
Reply 10
Original post by yolo-maths
Nope still waiting

same. when did u apply?
Reply 11
Original post by Anonymous #3
Has anyone had any offers for HPE yet?

Nah still waiting. I applied like 20th October
What other non-Maths requirement courses have people applied to?
Reply 13
anyone heard back yet?
Reply 14
Original post by nkk23
anyone heard back yet?

What are ur stats?
How long do UCL typically take to give out offers? Either generally or for HPE
Anyone heard yet?
Reply 17
Original post by Anonymous #5
Anyone heard yet?

Original post by Anonymous
How long do UCL typically take to give out offers? Either generally or for HPE

Generally the last couple years, a long time. I got mine (for a different department/course) the year before last in May. Lots of others got them very late as well both that year and last year.

I wouldn't worry about it - you still get at least a month (maybe 2?) to make a decision once you get all your decisions back based on the UCAS timelines!
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by artful_lounger
Generally the last couple years, a long time. I got mine the year before last in May. Lots of others got them very late as well both that year and last year.

I wouldn't worry about it - you still get at least a month (maybe 2?) to make a decision once you get all your decisions back based on the UCAS timelines!

Thank you, much appreciated. :smile:
With the scale of applications it makes sense, just got to try to forget about it temporarily so I don't end up checking this thread all the time haha

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