The Student Room Group

Should I remark my Maths GCSE resit?

I resat my Maths GCSE in November 2023 and received my results today. I got a 3 and after checking the grade boundaries, it looks like I’m 5 marks off getting a 4 which is the pass grade.
Any suggestions on what I should do? Or is it worth me getting my papers remarked?
(edited 1 year ago)
Yes do it , who knows u could get a 4
Original post by jananiemn
I resat my Maths GCSE in November 2023 and received my results today. I got a 3 and after checking the grade boundaries, it looks like I’m 5 marks off getting a 4 which is the pass grade.
Any suggestions on what I should do? Or is it worth me getting my papers remarked?

Omds I just got my foundation resit results back as well and thank the Lord I passed it (5) cause I was so scared.

Personally I'd say get it remarked cause during the real GCSE's I had a friend who got a 4 as a grade but got it remarked and ended up with a 5, so it's definitely worth the try. I was scared to get mine remarked as I was just 3 marks lower than a grade 5 and I thought I'd potentially get marked down, so I just did a resit instead, but the fear of being marked down is lesser now cause the ratio of people who resat to the ratio of the actual main GCSE's is like 2:5 so the people marking our re-sits probably won't be under too much tension so they could go through it better.

Get it remarked and hope for the best. Good luck with it.
Reply 3
Original post by jananiemn
I resat my Maths GCSE in November 2023 and received my results today. I got a 3 and after checking the grade boundaries, it looks like I’m 5 marks off getting a 4 which is the pass grade.
Any suggestions on what I should do? Or is it worth me getting my papers remarked?

May I ask was the grade boundaries the same or lower then June or Julys grade boundaries?

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