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Oxford vs Bristol

I have an offer from Oxford and an offer for Bristol for biology. They're for A*AA and AAA respectively. I'm not sure whether I should go to Bristol or Oxford. On the one hand, I really like the tutorial system and the academic rigor of oxford, but I much prefer the city of Bristol and I'm worried that I'll turn up at uni and everyone will be really posh and private schooled (I'm from a state school in East london). The modules at Oxford are I think slightly preferable because the year 2 ones at Bristol aren't my favourite. I just want to go somewhere I'll enjoy the city and the course. Where should I go?

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Where do you think you going to be happy spending next 4 years of your life ? Oxford or Bristol?
Original post by Anonymous #2
Where do you think you going to be happy spending next 4 years of your life ? Oxford or Bristol?

I would be happy spend 4 years of my life in either place - what I really want is the uni of oxford in the city of Bristol and I don't know what's more important?
Original post by Anonymous #1
I have an offer from Oxford and an offer for Bristol for biology. They're for A*AA and AAA respectively. I'm not sure whether I should go to Bristol or Oxford. On the one hand, I really like the tutorial system and the academic rigor of oxford, but I much prefer the city of Bristol and I'm worried that I'll turn up at uni and everyone will be really posh and private schooled (I'm from a state school in East london). The modules at Oxford are I think slightly preferable because the year 2 ones at Bristol aren't my favourite. I just want to go somewhere I'll enjoy the city and the course. Where should I go?

totally get your dilemma! i absolutely loved bristol, it felt really down to earth and the city was super vibrant and welcoming. that said, i'm making it my insurance (oxford is my firm) because, while i love both unis, the opportunity to engage in my subject in the way oxford allows is an opportunity i can't miss. in terms of posh people (i also go to a state school so i totally understand your apprehension) there are snobs everywhere, oxford or otherwise and you'll find your people wherever you go! neither uni is perfect, and both will be a step outside your comfort zone in some way - but at the same time you'd probably enjoy both the uni and city at either, just in different ways. i would say consider which you'd regret not going to more - and if that fails, go with your gut. try not to be blinded by anticipations of prestige/pressure and work out what will make you happiest. good luck!!
Close to 70 per cent of Oxford students are state educated (68 per cent) - not hugely different to Bristol which is not much over 70 per cent. The majority of students at Oxford won't be posh people - and a very large number are from London (it's people from the North East for example that are under represented.) I think films like Saltburn have a lot to answer for! Oxford has plenty of down to earth people, people who love to party, people with other interests, they all just on the whole happen to be smart and love their subject.. Some will want to spend most of their time in the library, others as little as possible. Like any other place.
Reply 5
Yeah, Bristol is barely, if at all, more state-educated than Oxford (it definitely has a reputation as one of the posher unis around). And anecdotally, I know loads of people at Oxford from East London state schools that is not a group that is underrepresented at all these days.
(edited 1 year ago)
I seem to remember an academy in Newham getting more than 50 students in to Oxbridge a couple of years back - more than Eton that same year
Original post by Anonymous
I have an offer from Oxford and an offer for Bristol for biology. They're for A*AA and AAA respectively. I'm not sure whether I should go to Bristol or Oxford. On the one hand, I really like the tutorial system and the academic rigor of oxford, but I much prefer the city of Bristol and I'm worried that I'll turn up at uni and everyone will be really posh and private schooled (I'm from a state school in East london). The modules at Oxford are I think slightly preferable because the year 2 ones at Bristol aren't my favourite. I just want to go somewhere I'll enjoy the city and the course. Where should I go?

I imagine as many people will be posh and private schooled at Bristol as Oxford? Even more maybe?
Original post by Anonymous #1
I have an offer from Oxford and an offer for Bristol for biology. They're for A*AA and AAA respectively. I'm not sure whether I should go to Bristol or Oxford. On the one hand, I really like the tutorial system and the academic rigor of oxford, but I much prefer the city of Bristol and I'm worried that I'll turn up at uni and everyone will be really posh and private schooled (I'm from a state school in East london). The modules at Oxford are I think slightly preferable because the year 2 ones at Bristol aren't my favourite. I just want to go somewhere I'll enjoy the city and the course. Where should I go?

If you choose Bristol you might end up in halls in Wales ... where else have you applied?
Bristol Uni is largely full of the posh people you're talking about, mostly privately-educated people who didn't get into Oxbridge. It's commonly known as the "Oxbridge Reject Uni" because of this, lol. Go to Oxford 100% for the positive reasons you mentioned, and because it's Oxford. You can always move to Bristol after uni. Oxford has lots of offer and Bristol is, well, Bristol. Wishing you well whatever you choose!
Original post by Anonymous #1
I have an offer from Oxford and an offer for Bristol for biology. They're for A*AA and AAA respectively. I'm not sure whether I should go to Bristol or Oxford. On the one hand, I really like the tutorial system and the academic rigor of oxford, but I much prefer the city of Bristol and I'm worried that I'll turn up at uni and everyone will be really posh and private schooled (I'm from a state school in East london). The modules at Oxford are I think slightly preferable because the year 2 ones at Bristol aren't my favourite. I just want to go somewhere I'll enjoy the city and the course. Where should I go?

not least because Bristol grades ( no A*) do work as your insurance offer
As I said before, neither are full of private school people - yes they are there in greater numbers than in the population at large but still around 70 per cent at both will be state school students! I'd also go for Oxford, especially if you actually prefer the course and the tutorial system, which is pretty special. You'll find your friends at either place.
I go to Oxford and I went to a state school, most people I’ve met here aren’t posh and there are a lot of fellow state school kids. Sure there are the occasional stuck up former boarding school kids but it’s far from the majority
Original post by Anonymous #3
totally get your dilemma! i absolutely loved bristol, it felt really down to earth and the city was super vibrant and welcoming. that said, i'm making it my insurance (oxford is my firm) because, while i love both unis, the opportunity to engage in my subject in the way oxford allows is an opportunity i can't miss. in terms of posh people (i also go to a state school so i totally understand your apprehension) there are snobs everywhere, oxford or otherwise and you'll find your people wherever you go! neither uni is perfect, and both will be a step outside your comfort zone in some way - but at the same time you'd probably enjoy both the uni and city at either, just in different ways. i would say consider which you'd regret not going to more - and if that fails, go with your gut. try not to be blinded by anticipations of prestige/pressure and work out what will make you happiest. good luck!!

Thank you, and you too!
Original post by annaloubylouby
Close to 70 per cent of Oxford students are state educated (68 per cent) - not hugely different to Bristol which is not much over 70 per cent. The majority of students at Oxford won't be posh people - and a very large number are from London (it's people from the North East for example that are under represented.) I think films like Saltburn have a lot to answer for! Oxford has plenty of down to earth people, people who love to party, people with other interests, they all just on the whole happen to be smart and love their subject.. Some will want to spend most of their time in the library, others as little as possible. Like any other place.

Ok, thank you, I'll bear it in mind
Original post by Muttley79
If you choose Bristol you might end up in halls in Wales ... where else have you applied?

Edinburgh, Manchester , Durham (all for bio)
Original post by Anonymous #2
Where do you think you going to be happy spending next 4 years of your life ? Oxford or Bristol?

That's a really helpful way of looking at it, thank you :smile:
Original post by MedMama
not least because Bristol grades ( no A*) do work as your insurance offer

I'm confused? What do you mean? Insurance should be lower, no?
Original post by Anonymous #1
Edinburgh, Manchester , Durham (all for bio)

Durham will probably have more Private school people than Oxford ...

Manchester is the more 'normal' of those ...
Original post by Anonymous #1
I'm confused? What do you mean? Insurance should be lower, no?

isn’t Oxford conditional upon A*AA and Bristol the lower offer at AAA

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