The Student Room Group

A Level v IB for a career in Banking

Hi, this is my first question on TSR. I really need someone's help with this. I'm currently in Year 11 and I'm feeling the pressure to choose between sixth forms that offer either IB or A level.

If I were to take IB I'd do Econ, Maths (not sure which one yet) and Computer Science at Higher, and English Lang Lit, Business and French at Standard. If I were to do A Levels I'd do Econ, Maths, and either French or Further Maths - most likely French, and I doubt I'd do both. Perhaps I'd try fm and drop it if it's too much after a year. I'm predicted a grade 8 in Maths but I'm sure I could get to a 9 as long as I work hard enough.

I have the grades for all these subjects except CS, as I'm not studying it for GCSE's and one of my choice sixth forms require you to have done it as well as maths.

I'll say what I want to major in at uni, in case this helps: either Economics (or Econ and Management), or Computer Science (perhaps with Econ, or Management). I want to be an investment banker, or something similar in banking/finance, or something to do with coding/software as backup.

Ignoring the pros and cons of each individual sixth form as I want to choose just between A Levels and IB, which is the best option for me to go? (Also - I *may* study in Germany after sixth form. I know IB would make this easier but with my A levels I could still do it, according to my research.. right?) Any advice is appreciated!
The straight choice between IB and A levels will not have any impact on your future career in Banking.
Universities do not 'prefer' one of the other, and your potential employers wont care either.
All they will be interested in is your degree - and what else you did at Uni apart from just study.
Whichever one you think will give you the best chance of getting into a degree (any degree) at a target uni. Doesn't matter if its computer science or viking studies.
Reply 3
Original post by artful_lounger
Whichever one you think will give you the best chance of getting into a degree (any degree) at a target uni. Doesn't matter if its computer science or viking studies.

What are the target unis by any chance and the semi targets as well.
Original post by yupcabra23
What are the target unis by any chance and the semi targets as well.

That's basically the entire raison d'être for this forum:

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