The Student Room Group

Double-checking your personal statement.

Writing a personal statement can be very daunting! For most of us, it will be our first time writing one, so it is easy to worry about whether we are doing it right.

Here are some tips that I found helpful when writing my personal statement!

Always get a second opinion. It is very wise to ask a trusted friend or family member to read through your personal statement. A fresh pair of eyes may spot a mistake we would not have. Getting some general advice on how it sounds and flows is also good.

Do some general research on what a good personal statement looks like. Sometimes, universities have their own tips, so it is always best to check their websites for advice. For example, BCU has a webpage all about writing a great personal statement. You can check it out here ->

Finally, and probably the easiest, is to use spell check! You save yourself a lot of work by ensuring your spell check is on. The last thing anyone wants to see in a personal statement is a spelling mistake.

Good luck!

BCU Student Rep.