The Student Room Group

Personal Statement for University

Would anyone be able to review my Personal Statement and give me some guidance before I send it off please?
Original post by gabskebabss
Would anyone be able to review my Personal Statement and give me some guidance before I send it off please?

You can have your personal statement reviewed by a member of the PS Reviewers team. Details here. Note, however, that there's a 10-day turnaround.
Original post by gabskebabss
Would anyone be able to review my Personal Statement and give me some guidance before I send it off please?

Hey there,

I hope you're keeping well.

Sorry if my reply comes a bit late - but often the best people to ask to review personal statements would be your teachers (as they have a lot of experience in reviewing them and can give you brilliant feedback relatively quickly - but they obviously may be quite overwhelmed), the TSR support team (again, good advice however they make take time in getting back to you) - and especially friends and family!
Though the latter may not provide the most "helpful" feedback - in terms of how to improve your writing on a technical level - they are great in figuring out how your personal statement will be recieved and understanding its vibe. In that sense, I'd argue they're the best to double check with before sending off your PS, just because they can give you reliable feedback very quickly.

I hope this helps!

Warm regards,

David :smile:
University of Kent Representative

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