The Student Room Group

Official University of Winchester 2023 Applicants Thread

Hello all!

This is a thread for those who are thinking of applying to University of Winchester for 2023.

Meet and chat to other people applying here.

Ice breaker questions:
What course are you applying for?
What subjects are you studying now?

Good luck, everyone!
Reply 1
hi! my name is isa, i'm an international student from the usa, and i applied to winchester for medieval history!! has anyone else applied to the same course?
Reply 2
Original post by isahko
hi! my name is isa, i'm an international student from the usa, and i applied to winchester for medieval history!! has anyone else applied to the same course?

ive applied for history and politics & firmed winchester :smile:
Reply 3
Original post by jdu2104
ive applied for history and politics & firmed winchester :smile:

congrats! i’m still waiting on a decision. it’s coming up on a month since i sent my applications off, so fingers crossed :h:
Reply 4
Hi, I've applied for Nursing and been invited for an interview which happen to be tomorrow! Eek!
Reply 5
Original post by a07_a21
Hi, I've applied for Nursing and been invited for an interview which happen to be tomorrow! Eek!

how did it go?!!
Reply 6
Original post by jdu2104
how did it go?!!

Hi, it was very nerve wrecking on top of the fact that I am a mature student as well. Felt like an oldie amongst the youngsters!
I didn't think I will be successful but they've offered me a place!
Reply 7
Hello - I am currently studying health and social care and have been offered a place to study adult nursing at Winchester :smile:
Reply 8
Original post by rafsium
Hello - I am currently studying health and social care and have been offered a place to study adult nursing at Winchester :smile:

Hi, well done on your offer! Is this going to be your first choice?
Reply 9
Hi! thank you and congrats on your offer :smile: - I'm conflicted between choosing Winchester or Surrey as my first choice right now, but I might go with Winchester.

How about you?
Original post by a07_a21
Hi, well done on your offer! Is this going to be your first choice?
Original post by rafsium
Hi! thank you and congrats on your offer :smile: - I'm conflicted between choosing Winchester or Surrey as my first choice right now, but I might go with Winchester.

How about you?

Hi, I wish I had applied to Surrey as well but Winchester was my first choice but seems like it will be my only choice now as I have yet to have any offers from other universities. We might meet in the near future if we both decide on Winchester!
Original post by a07_a21
Hi, I wish I had applied to Surrey as well but Winchester was my first choice but seems like it will be my only choice now as I have yet to have any offers from other universities. We might meet in the near future if we both decide on Winchester!

Yeah, if we both end up choosing Winchester, it would be great to meet you. :smile:
hi my name is sophie, i have applied for philosophy but am thnking of doing media. right now i take psycholgy, sociology and religous sudies

Hello all!

This is a thread for those who are thinking of applying to University of Winchester for 2023.

Meet and chat to other people applying here.

Ice breaker questions:
What course are you applying for?
What subjects are you studying now?

Good luck, everyone!
Hi all,
I have a place on the Nutrition and Dietetics course and was wandering who else will be starting this September. I’m returning to Uni as a mature student and really looking forward to it.
Original post by sophie._.alexis
hi my name is sophie, i have applied for philosophy but am thnking of doing media. right now i take psycholgy, sociology and religous sudies

Hi I’ve applied to Winchester for media, communication & advertising :smile:. Wondering if you decided on media too? I do psychology, media and religious studies
Reply 15
Hi I’m Izzy! I’ve applied to do Journalism in September!
Good luck to everyone receiving results tomorrow! :smile:

Hope everyone's having a good day celebrating results!

PLEASE don't panic if your results aren't as expected, we're here to chat all things Clearing. Get in touch here or call 01962 827234 :smile:
Original post by emsterbones
Hi all,
I have a place on the Nutrition and Dietetics course and was wandering who else will be starting this September. I’m returning to Uni as a mature student and really looking forward to it.
Hi, are you still studying at Winchester? I made Winchester as my firm choice. How’s the university life and the accommodation? What is the closest accommodation option?
Reply 19
Original post by wide-ranging-bin
Hi, are you still studying at Winchester? I made Winchester as my firm choice. How’s the university life and the accommodation? What is the closest accommodation option?
Hey! Just finished my first year and i defo recommend winchester it’s a great uni and city. Uni life is good the student union has multiple nights a week as there is currently no club in winchester but the bars/pubs in town are great too (very expensive) but still good fun. all the lecturers i’ve had have been really friendly and helpful. Accommodation is pretty standard, i stayed in queens which is probably the closest to the main campus. Queens is a great accom and after seeing friends flats who stayed in burma / west downs queens is definitely the nicest looking and most spacious inside. i defo recommend going for an en suite room aswell. :smile:)

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