The Student Room Group

Engineering Application to Cambridge

Hello :smile: Does anyone have any advice for making a successful application to Cambridge to study Engineering? I'm currently in year 12, I got all 9s at GCSE & am an Arkwright Engineering Scholar.

Are there any STEM competitions/challenges/essay writing competitions anyone would recommend doing? As I'm kind of disapointed I missed Gold in the Senior Maths Challenge by 3 marks this year, so I wanted to find something else impressive to try and take part in instead.
My son got offers to Cambridge and Imperial for engineering in September. He did some online courses for engineering plus an EDT summer school.
Reply 2
Original post by Anonymous #2
My son got offers to Cambridge and Imperial for engineering in September. He did some online courses for engineering plus an EDT summer school.

Ah would you be able to ask him which courses he did? :smile:
Hi, he did courses on aeronautical engineering, machine learning and the summer school in robotics.. I would recommend choosing topics you are interested in - you just want to be able to demonstrate a passion/interest in engineering in your personal statement. It sounds like you will already be able to do that! Also reading is important so you can describe what you’ve read and your thoughts on it in the ps. Cambridge do interview most candidates though so probably the most important thing is the admissions test and interview. It’s good to practice for the Engaa (actually I think there will be a new admissions test this year) as it is very time limited. Good luck!
Reply 4
thank you!
Reply 5
Original post by Anonymous
Hi, he did courses on aeronautical engineering, machine learning and the summer school in robotics.. I would recommend choosing topics you are interested in - you just want to be able to demonstrate a passion/interest in engineering in your personal statement. It sounds like you will already be able to do that! Also reading is important so you can describe what you’ve read and your thoughts on it in the ps. Cambridge do interview most candidates though so probably the most important thing is the admissions test and interview. It’s good to practice for the Engaa (actually I think there will be a new admissions test this year) as it is very time limited. Good luck!

If it's okay can I please ask where he did these courses and if they were paid or free? Thank you!
Reply 6
Hi Engineering Offer Holder here!
in my application I wrote about the following:

UKESF women in electronics event, theyre free n lots of fun so go check out theyre website to see if they have any events going on.

ApplyCambridge which is a free program that helps you through the admissions process for Camb, they did a series of subject specific webinars so I wrote about that.

Another free engineering masterclass by Camb, check theyre website again. I think mine was called the Pembroke Engineering Masterclass.


Maths Challenges, Phyics Olympiads, Informatics olympiads etc if you have access to them/ your school provides them.

And i know a friend of mine who reached out to a local college prof to see if there was any shadowing ish type of work he could do so you could maybe try that.

research project on a engineering topic of my interest

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