What are your values?
What sort of things make you want to jump out of bed and what sort of things drive you up the wall?
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Are you more of a maths person or an essay person?
What were your strongest and weakest subjects? Why?
If money was not an issue, what would you spend your day doing - be it work, leisure, etc.?
If you could have dinner with anyone or people you can imagine, be him/her/they dead or alive, who would they be and why them in particular?
What sort of things excite you and what sort of things you absolutely dread?
If you could make any difference to any part of your life, surroundings, or even the world, what would that be and why?
What sort of things are on your bucket list? Why those things in particular?
What could you not imagine yourself not doing day in day out? What could you imagine running for the hills if given to you?
What would you regret the most if you didn't do it within your lifetime? What would you regret the least if you didn't? Why?
What would make you persevere in something despite all of the challenges and setbacks? Why?
If you can only do one task day in day out for the rest of your life, what would that be and why?
What would you never get bored of? What will bore you easily? Why?
What would you happily volunteer doing or do without being paid? Why?
What can you not shut up about or read obsessively about? Why?
What did you wanted to do when you were 5 and what were your favourite subjects back then? Why?
What did people say you could do without trying? What were the compliments about you regarding? Why?
why you decided to go into law and what made you decide to drop out
why choose business out of all other options
why nursing in particular, considering there are other professions that are also in demand e.g. teaching, hospitality
why not something that is more skill based that can be used in a variety of professions and settings e.g. computer science, maths, engineering, design, music, English, etc.
Last reply 1 week ago
is history a good degree to have if i wish to go into marketing?Last reply 1 week ago
Anyone got any offers from UCL Kings or Bath yet? UndergradLast reply 1 month ago
Royal Holloway or Uni of Bath for Business and Management