The Student Room Group

Anyone have any freshers funny/embarrassing/horror stories?

Anyone have any freshers funny/embarrassing/horror stories?
It was by far my worst week at uni. It rained literally every day. After registering, going to the introductory event for my course, going on a library tour and going on a campus tour which took one and a half days, there was literally nothing to do. I sat in the TV room at my halls and went to town on the bus several five times and walked around on my own. My dad said I should go to the library and start with my reading, I went there and it was completely empty so I went home. The people on my corridor were a bunch of lads all into football who I had nothing in common with. The freshers parties were all awful with chart music and techno and were gate crashed by second and third years going after all the girls, people were getting drunk and puking up everywhere. On the last day, I had an argument with the guy who lived opposite me who wouldn't stop playing rave music loudly and decided I wanted to go home. It got better when my course got going.
i was supposed to go to a party with a girl i just met, i was feeling really low and had a bad headache but decided to go anyway, we had some pre drinks and well, long story short they didnt let me into the club and had to go back, thank god i was just swinging and nothing more :,) i feel so embarrased u cant even imagine
We (17 of us) chose to dress in togas and set off into town. Many hours later and Very drunk, 17 returned back to block but only 16 togas!
I thought it eould be funny to leave my toga in town and return to campus NAKED!
I Didn't account for CCTV accross campus, that looped my return and played it for the next 24hrs!
I was mortified! (Although got MANY compliments, invited to numerous parties and had some of the best sex of my life!)

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