The Student Room Group

Fdsc oral health science essex

Hi, just wondering if anyone has or has had an interview for this course and what to be expected ?

Or if anyone applied and got in last year how long they waited to find out etc

Very nervous right now mines in a few weeks!!!
Hello everyone,
I passed my dental nurse diploma in 2018 and currently thinking of doing an access course (Science) to get into uni to become hygienist.Whilst looking into the several uni's requirements I'm quite overwhelmed.The access course I'm planing to do will cover Biology, Chemistry,physics,mathematics,psychology.
Full 60 Credit Diploma with 45 credits
graded units and 15 ungraded study
Maximum UCAS 144 points from the course. So i was wondering if this gonna be enough to get into uni ?
Thank you all.
Original post by iwhite
Hi, just wondering if anyone has or has had an interview for this course and what to be expected ?

Or if anyone applied and got in last year how long they waited to find out etc

Very nervous right now mines in a few weeks!!!

Hiya @iwhite !
Congratulations with your application to Essex 🤩
Once you have done the interview I would wait a maximum of 1 month to contact back the uni.
Majority of the students have a response back within two weeks.

Good luck with the interview🤗

Essex Official Rep- Cat😎
Reply 3
Original post by EssexOfficialRep
Hiya @iwhite !
Congratulations with your application to Essex 🤩
Once you have done the interview I would wait a maximum of 1 month to contact back the uni.
Majority of the students have a response back within two weeks.

Good luck with the interview🤗

Essex Official Rep- Cat😎

Thank you so much !! 😊
Reply 4
Original post by EssexOfficialRep
Hiya @iwhite !
Congratulations with your application to Essex 🤩
Once you have done the interview I would wait a maximum of 1 month to contact back the uni.
Majority of the students have a response back within two weeks.

Good luck with the interview🤗

Essex Official Rep- Cat😎

Thank you Cat, do you usually receive this via letter or email? I’ve been looking online and some answers differ
Original post by iwhite
Thank you Cat, do you usually receive this via letter or email? I’ve been looking online and some answers differ

Hiya 😊
Normally you receive an email but occasionally it might be followed by a phone call.

I hope this helped.

Essex Official Rep- Cat🤩
Reply 6
Original post by EssexOfficialRep
Hiya 😊
Normally you receive an email but occasionally it might be followed by a phone call.

I hope this helped.

Essex Official Rep- Cat🤩

Thank you so much 😊
Original post by iwhite
Hi, just wondering if anyone has or has had an interview for this course and what to be expected ?

Or if anyone applied and got in last year how long they waited to find out etc

Very nervous right now mines in a few weeks!!!

hey I have mine in a few weeks too very nervous!!
Original post by imogen2003
hey I have mine in a few weeks too very nervous!!

Hiya @imogen2003 !

Congratulations on securing an interview.🤩
I believe you going to do great, just be confident of our knowledge and skills and you going to do great in the interview.🎓

Essex Official Rep- Cat😊
Original post by EssexOfficialRep
Hiya @imogen2003 !

Congratulations on securing an interview.🤩
I believe you going to do great, just be confident of our knowledge and skills and you going to do great in the interview.🎓

Essex Official Rep- Cat😊

Thank you very much😁
Reply 10
Original post by iwhite
Hi, just wondering if anyone has or has had an interview for this course and what to be expected ?
Or if anyone applied and got in last year how long they waited to find out etc
Very nervous right now mines in a few weeks!!!

Hi have you had your interview yet ive got mine next week and very nervous please advise any tips /questions rhey ask

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