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Which a level teaches this and exambaord

Something fundamental about life like how to save money budgeting investing and taxation interest rates exchange rates like I think business edexcel do which is my examboard which gonna pick but idk about econ aqa think edexcel does but my examboard if choose econ would be aqa and saw this Economic Growth
International Trade
The Market Mechanism
Market Failure

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Original post by Brianstudy01
Something fundamental about life like how to save money budgeting investing and taxation interest rates exchange rates like I think business edexcel do which is my examboard which gonna pick but idk about econ aqa think edexcel does but my examboard if choose econ would be aqa and saw this Economic Growth
International Trade
The Market Mechanism
Market Failure

So you're essentially looking for A Level related to personal finance.

You would definitely cover budgeting in A Level Accounting (

However, you would also cover budgeting in business studies (see:,

OCR's and AQA's business studies spec seem to cover more on investments and financial performance, but only OCR covers exchange rates:,

Edexcel's Economics A Level does cover interest rates, but more so about how to use it for monetary policy:
All 3 exam boards cover exchange rates in their economics A Level

Taxation isn't covered in A Levels unfortunately.
Nothing would teach you how to save money unfortunately.

If you specifically want an A Level that would cover most of the topics, I would choose OCR's Business Studies. The topics that it won't likely cover would be in tax and possibly interest rates.

If you want something that would cover most of the topics that you mentioned (other than saving money), then I recommend doing CIMA's BA certificate:
Unlike the A Levels, the BA certificate is a professional qualification that can allow you to become a management accountant if you wanted to.
The A Levels listed above aren't required subjects, and you can cover most of the above topics in an accounting degree. However, the accounting degree would also cover the same topics in the BA certificate, and it therefore make less sense to do it via the degree when you can just go for the certificate.

Having said the above, picking up a good book on personal finance and investments should cover most of the material that you're looking for anyway. Unless you specifically want to work in finance and/or accounting, you won't really need to go into depth on the subject or do professional qualifications in it.
Original post by MindMax2000
So you're essentially looking for A Level related to personal finance.

You would definitely cover budgeting in A Level Accounting (

However, you would also cover budgeting in business studies (see:,

OCR's and AQA's business studies spec seem to cover more on investments and financial performance, but only OCR covers exchange rates:,

Edexcel's Economics A Level does cover interest rates, but more so about how to use it for monetary policy:
All 3 exam boards cover exchange rates in their economics A Level

Taxation isn't covered in A Levels unfortunately.
Nothing would teach you how to save money unfortunately.

If you specifically want an A Level that would cover most of the topics, I would choose OCR's Business Studies. The topics that it won't likely cover would be in tax and possibly interest rates.

If you want something that would cover most of the topics that you mentioned (other than saving money), then I recommend doing CIMA's BA certificate:
Unlike the A Levels, the BA certificate is a professional qualification that can allow you to become a management accountant if you wanted to.
The A Levels listed above aren't required subjects, and you can cover most of the above topics in an accounting degree. However, the accounting degree would also cover the same topics in the BA certificate, and it therefore make less sense to do it via the degree when you can just go for the certificate.

Having said the above, picking up a good book on personal finance and investments should cover most of the material that you're looking for anyway. Unless you specifically want to work in finance and/or accounting, you won't really need to go into depth on the subject or do professional qualifications in it.

Thing is accounting isn’t offered at my college wanna go and business is offered but edexcel thoughts and what about econ aqa???
Reply 3
edexcel a level economics covers all of the topics in your list!
Original post by fox473
edexcel a level economics covers all of the topics in your list!

So aqa DOSENT for econ and what about business for edexcel
Reply 5
aqa does for econ - look at the spec

what other a levels are you doing? do you have any idea what you want to study at uni?

if you want to learn these things, there are other ways to go about it than taking a whole a level - you can read books, articles, listen to podcasts etc.
Original post by Brianstudy01
Thing is accounting isn’t offered at my college wanna go and business is offered but edexcel thoughts and what about econ aqa???

According to @fox473, the EdExcel's Economics A Level covers all of the above topics. I am skeptical, but then again I didn't do Economics at A Level.

If you don't get to do A Level Accounting, then I wouldn't fuss about it. You're not exactly going to miss out that much.

If you look through the busienss studies spec for EdExcel (, the only topics that it doesn't really cover are taxes (which no A Level covers except in the context of tax revenues, which is more economics and less business) and saving money (no A Level or professional certificate that I know of would cover this). It covers most other topics pretty well.
As a disclaimer: I am not entirely a huge fan of EdExcel in general, so expect me to be biased.

As much as I am a fan of AQA, I can't give you a fair judgement of its Economics spec since I haven't done the A Level. From the look of the spec though (, it seems to cover the contents for macro and microeconomics quite well, with a lot more emphasis on microeconomics than macroeconomics. If you want to do a degree in economics or business economics, the contents of the A Level would likely give you a good foundation in it.

I would be interested in knowing why you specifically want to study personal finance at A Level and what you intend to do with the A Levels after you're finished. Doing business, economics, or accounting at A Level won't specifically help you get onto a degree in business, accounting, finance, or economics.
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 7
business edexcel does look at most of those topics, but in much less detail than they would be covered in an a level economics course
Original post by fox473
business edexcel does look at most of those topics, but in much less detail than they would be covered in an a level economics course

Which do you think will be better aqa economics or edexcel business @fox473
Reply 9
it really is up to you and what sounds most interesting

i personally find economics a lot more interesting than business, but everyone is different
Original post by fox473
it really is up to you and what sounds most interesting

i personally find economics a lot more interesting than business, but everyone is different

What examboard do you do tho and what topics you enjoy for both
Original post by fox473
it really is up to you and what sounds most interesting

i personally find economics a lot more interesting than business, but everyone is different

What a levels do you take and what you getting highest grade and find easiest compare to getting lowest and finding hardest?
Original post by Brianstudy01
So aqa DOSENT for econ and what about business for edexcel

I do econ aqa. On your list, it covers interest rates, exchange rates, inflation and taxation but NOT from a personal finance perspective. If you want to learn personal finance I do not recommend economics; accounting and business will be better. If you have a broad interest of all those topics I’d say do business, but if you don’t care about personal finance that much economics covers the topics I said in much more detail.
Original post by Peach_rose34
I do econ aqa. On your list, it covers interest rates, exchange rates, inflation and taxation but NOT from a personal finance perspective. If you want to learn personal finance I do not recommend economics; accounting and business will be better. If you have a broad interest of all those topics I’d say do business, but if you don’t care about personal finance that much economics covers the topics I said in much more detail.

What’s your other a levels and how is it overall
Original post by Brianstudy01
What’s your other a levels and how is it overall
I do maths, further maths, economics and history
Maths and further maths are as you’d imagine very difficult and history is a massive amount of work .

As for economics I personally find it conceptually very interesting especially macroeconomics which covers interest rates and the topics of economics you were interested in . If you’re interested in monetary and fiscal policy which covers interest rates and more, it provides a base understanding of the concepts . There’s not a lot of memorisation it’s more about having a all round basic understanding of micro and macro economics and it does in the micro section go into some interesting stuff about economies of scale. Honestly I think it’s not even super difficult, just a lot of people pick it without being that interested in it or not understanding what it’s like. The only negative is the ridiculous amount of abstract , boring graphs you have to draw.
Original post by Peach_rose34
I do maths, further maths, economics and history
Maths and further maths are as you’d imagine very difficult and history is a massive amount of work .
As for economics I personally find it conceptually very interesting especially macroeconomics which covers interest rates and the topics of economics you were interested in . If you’re interested in monetary and fiscal policy which covers interest rates and more, it provides a base understanding of the concepts . There’s not a lot of memorisation it’s more about having a all round basic understanding of micro and macro economics and it does in the micro section go into some interesting stuff about economies of scale. Honestly I think it’s not even super difficult, just a lot of people pick it without being that interested in it or not understanding what it’s like. The only negative is the ridiculous amount of abstract , boring graphs you have to draw.
Do you know any1 that does econ with law or Soc or media and what examboard and thoughts
Original post by Brianstudy01
Do you know any1 that does econ with law or Soc or media and what examboard and thoughts
My friend does econ and law, media isn’t taught at my college but I do know people that do sociology.
As far as I understand econ and sociology would be a fairly relaxed combination of a levels, not necessarily easy but compared to others easier. My friend that does econ , law and maths likes the combination and law requires good essay skills for the 20 markers, good understanding of reading cases and good analytical skills to understand those cases and in a similar way economics requires you to analyse the economic ideas in case studies . Econ and law are a good combination and I’d say both of them are moderately difficult a levels so the workload won’t be too horrendous, though compared to gcses it will be massive .
It depends what you want to do at university but sociology and law are both good essay based choices alongside economics .
Original post by Peach_rose34
My friend does econ and law, media isn’t taught at my college but I do know people that do sociology.
As far as I understand econ and sociology would be a fairly relaxed combination of a levels, not necessarily easy but compared to others easier. My friend that does econ , law and maths likes the combination and law requires good essay skills for the 20 markers, good understanding of reading cases and good analytical skills to understand those cases and in a similar way economics requires you to analyse the economic ideas in case studies . Econ and law are a good combination and I’d say both of them are moderately difficult a levels so the workload won’t be too horrendous, though compared to gcses it will be massive .
It depends what you want to do at university but sociology and law are both good essay based choices alongside economics .
Soc is easier then econ and law right but what is easier econ or law and what examboard for all 3 lmk and apparently both has applying content to questions but soc dosent and got to understand it specifically like psych apparently lmk tho thx
Original post by Brianstudy01
Soc is easier then econ and law right but what is easier econ or law and what examboard for all 3 lmk and apparently both has applying content to questions but soc dosent and got to understand it specifically like psych apparently lmk tho thx

I don’t know whether sociology requires applying case studies to questions but as for econ and law, I personally think they’re fairly similar but depends on your academic strengths. Economics can be conceptually and logically quite complex and difficult, not that law isn’t, but economics is a bit more so in my opinion. The important thing is to not choose a levels based on difficulty-for example several people I know chose psychology over maths as they perceived it to be easier and whilst it may be easier, they regret it as psychology is both not easy and maths would have been really useful. That’s just one example of why you should pick subjects based on interests.
Original post by Peach_rose34
I don’t know whether sociology requires applying case studies to questions but as for econ and law, I personally think they’re fairly similar but depends on your academic strengths. Economics can be conceptually and logically quite complex and difficult, not that law isn’t, but economics is a bit more so in my opinion. The important thing is to not choose a levels based on difficulty-for example several people I know chose psychology over maths as they perceived it to be easier and whilst it may be easier, they regret it as psychology is both not easy and maths would have been really useful. That’s just one example of why you should pick subjects based on interests.

But which is generally better if find both interesting like which is easier to get an A like what’s harder questions law or econ I think soc easiest but econ or law

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