The Student Room Group

Personal statement

How many extra curriculars should you add to ur statement ive only done two extra curriculars and i feel as if its not enough
Original post by reflective-these
How many extra curriculars should you add to ur statement ive only done two extra curriculars and i feel as if its not enough

I think that should be enough, because most of it needs to be for your interest in the subject you are applying for
Original post by reflective-these
How many extra curriculars should you add to ur statement ive only done two extra curriculars and i feel as if its not enough


In my experience, the number of extra curriculars does not matter nearly as much as how you talk about them. It's about using your experiences to highlight certain aspects of your personality that you believe would help you in your course. For example, I highlighted my creative problem solving skills when it comes to technology by talking about my background in robotics which tied in with my course of music tech perfectly.

Hope this helps, if you have any further questions, feel free to leave them here!

-Addy(Kingston Rep)
Reply 3
Original post by reflective-these
How many extra curriculars should you add to ur statement ive only done two extra curriculars and i feel as if its not enough

I think super curriculars matter more than extra curriculars but I guess that might depend on the course/uni
Original post by reflective-these
How many extra curriculars should you add to ur statement ive only done two extra curriculars and i feel as if its not enough

Hi @reflective-these
Two extra curricular activities should be fine. It's important how you talk about then, and show how these link to the skills you have that are essential for your course eg. teamwork, problem solving, communication.
Hope this helps!
-Jasmine (Lancaster Student Ambassador)
Original post by reflective-these
How many extra curriculars should you add to ur statement ive only done two extra curriculars and i feel as if its not enough


Two extra curriculars should be more than enough! Try to link them to useful skills to show how you have improved by doing these as universities find this more helpful than just stating extra curriculars.

Also make sure to highlight super curriculars and anything you’ve done that relates to the course you’re applying for, as this should be the main bulk of your personal statement!

Hope this helps! :smile:

(Lancaster University Student Ambassador)
Original post by reflective-these
How many extra curriculars should you add to ur statement ive only done two extra curriculars and i feel as if its not enough
Hi @reflective-these,

Two should be enough, it's more important to show how these extra curriculars are relevant to the course you are applying for. You will need to provide examples that demonstrate what skills and qualities you've gained from these activities and how that will support you if you got onto the course.

All the best,
Original post by reflective-these
How many extra curriculars should you add to ur statement ive only done two extra curriculars and i feel as if its not enough

Hi there!

Having extra curricular's in your personal statement is great, just make sure you link them to what you're wanting to study! In mine, I only had 1 or 2 but I made sure to reflect on them and to link them to what I wanted to study.

I hope this helps!

Rebecca, UCLan MBBS

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