The Student Room Group

Life in London as a Northern Student

To keep a long story short, I live less than half an hour from Liverpool and Manchester university, and could commute there from home, but I’ve been looking at Imperial, to experience city life, go to a better university, and step out of my comfort zone.

But I’ve heard that for Northerners it’s hard to adapt to life in London, and that life after the honeymoon period is depressing and lonely. I’ve been wondering is that true even for Uni Life? Anyone who’s a northerner who’s studying/has studied in London could they share their experience? (For context I’d probably be living off a £13k maintenance loan with my girlfriend/in halls if I need to and with whatever money I can scrape by through summer jobs/part time jobs)
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Flòraidh
To keep a long story short, I live less than half an hour from Liverpool and Manchester university, and could commute there from home, but I’ve been looking at Imperial, to experience city life, go to a better university, and step out of my comfort zone.

But I’ve heard that for Northerners it’s hard to adapt to life in London, and that life after the honeymoon period is depressing and lonely. I’ve been wondering is that true even for Uni Life? Anyone who’s a northerner who’s studying/has studied in London could they share their experience? (For context I’d probably be living off a £13k maintenance loan with my girlfriend/in halls if I need to and with whatever money I can scrape by through summer jobs/part time jobs)


I moved from the South to the North.

I would say that you can take the person out of the city but you can't take the city out of the person, in other words I am still a Southerner at heart. I found the adjustment difficult but I think that was partly because I moved from a city to a town. In general, I feel at home in northern cities, so I don't think you'd struggle too much to adjust, but of course there are cultural things.

People are more private in London. In general, you don't strike up conversations with strangers and you don't talk to people on the Underground, so it can appear like quite an unfriendly or cold place. People in general are just a bit more suspicious of people, are busy and are just focused on getting from A to B! All that being said, in general, if you need help, you can ask a stranger. We value good customer service and it is expected(!) and we love trying or going to see new things, whether that's going to a new independent coffee shop or going to see a new art installation. We might be more private, but we are sociable!

You'll be at uni, so it will be easier for you to get to know people and there will be other people who will have moved to London, so that shared experience will help you bond quicker. You may also meet some Northerners.

I think if Imperial's where you want to go then you should go for it, but you'd also enjoy a city experience if you went to Liverpool or Manchester. It might be worth visiting all the places and seeing what you think.

All the best,

Oluwatosin 3rd year student University of Huddersfield
(edited 1 year ago)

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