The Student Room Group

A-Level Subject Combination

Hello Everyone,

I would like to do History and Politics at the University Of Oxford, and was wondering if anyone could give me any suggestions on what A-Level Subjects I could choose. My sixth-form requires you to pick 4 A-Levels in Year 12.

Thank you so much :smile:)
Original post by Kymarnii
Hello Everyone,

I would like to do History and Politics at the University Of Oxford, and was wondering if anyone could give me any suggestions on what A-Level Subjects I could choose. My sixth-form requires you to pick 4 A-Levels in Year 12.

Thank you so much :smile:)

It sounds like history would be a good start, Oxford recommends it but it is not required.
Oxford lists Sociology and Politics as helpful subjects. The rest is up to you, so I would pick subjects you enjoy and can do well at.
Reply 2
Original post by flowersinmyhair
It sounds like history would be a good start, Oxford recommends it but it is not required.
Oxford lists Sociology and Politics as helpful subjects. The rest is up to you, so I would pick subjects you enjoy and can do well at.

Thank you @flowersinmyhair
Does Maths, History, French, and Psychology sound good??
Original post by Kymarnii
Thank you @flowersinmyhair
Does Maths, History, French, and Psychology sound good??

I'm not really an expert, but it should be fine I would think
Original post by Kymarnii
Hello Everyone,

I would like to do History and Politics at the University Of Oxford, and was wondering if anyone could give me any suggestions on what A-Level Subjects I could choose. My sixth-form requires you to pick 4 A-Levels in Year 12.

Thank you so much :smile:)

History would deffo be good (and might also be required for what you want to do at uni. Doublt check on their websites).
How about politics?
English literature, georgraphy or a language are also good options.
Reply 5
Original post by Kymarnii
Hello Everyone,

I would like to do History and Politics at the University Of Oxford, and was wondering if anyone could give me any suggestions on what A-Level Subjects I could choose. My sixth-form requires you to pick 4 A-Levels in Year 12.

Thank you so much :smile:)

It’s a shame that your 6th form requires you to do 4 A-Levels, as 3 plus EPQ would be better, although I assume you can still do that by dropping one of your subjects mid way through the year.
Reply 6
Original post by lalexm
It’s a shame that your 6th form requires you to do 4 A-Levels, as 3 plus EPQ would be better, although I assume you can still do that by dropping one of your subjects mid way through the year.

Yes, that is what I'm planning to do. And, by the way, we are only required to do 4 AS-Levels, and then we can drop one in Year 13!!
Reply 7
Original post by Emma:-)
History would deffo be good (and might also be required for what you want to do at uni. Doublt check on their websites).
How about politics?
English literature, georgraphy or a language are also good options.

Thank you
Original post by lalexm
It’s a shame that your 6th form requires you to do 4 A-Levels, as 3 plus EPQ would be better, although I assume you can still do that by dropping one of your subjects mid way through the year.

Why would 3 and an EPQ be better? I am just interested as if 4 are completed would that not be better
Original post by Kymarnii
Thank you @flowersinmyhair
Does Maths, History, French, and Psychology sound good??

How confident are you of getting A grades in these subjects - ie. do you think you will enjoy studying these subjects?

And btw, no-ne needs more than 3 A levels.
Original post by McGinger
How confident are you of getting A grades in these subjects - ie. do you think you will enjoy studying these subjects?

And btw, no-ne needs more than 3 A levels.

the 4th would be a back up if something eemt wrong with one of the other 3?
Original post by Labrador9
Why would 3 and an EPQ be better? I am just interested as if 4 are completed would that not be better

Unless you are doing a physics/enginerring/maths degree that requires FM, you are better off doing 3 plus EPQ. No uni, not even Oxbridge, requires 4 A-levels, so getting top grades in 3 is better. Also, most unis will give you reduced grade offers with an EPQ, and the top ones that don’t need a LOT of super curriculars to get in, so EPQ is a brilliant way of achieving that if you do it in a relevant topic. EPQs are also a good subject of conversation for uni interviews, if your course requires one.
Original post by lalexm
Unless you are doing a physics/enginerring/maths degree that requires FM, you are better off doing 3 plus EPQ. No uni, not even Oxbridge, requires 4 A-levels, so getting top grades in 3 is better. Also, most unis will give you reduced grade offers with an EPQ, and the top ones that don’t need a LOT of super curriculars to get in, so EPQ is a brilliant way of achieving that if you do it in a relevant topic. EPQs are also a good subject of conversation for uni interviews, if your course requires one.

Thanks for the info. I hate the idea of an EPQ so i might just stick with 4 and if I am stuggling drop to 3 and do the EPQ.
Original post by Labrador9
Thanks for the info. I hate the idea of an EPQ so i might just stick with 4 and if I am stuggling drop to 3 and do the EPQ.

You need to find out your school's timetable for all of these decisions - ie. the EPQ is a 1 year project, so which year is it taken in, and when do you have to decide about stopping the 4th subject?
Original post by Kymarnii
Hello Everyone,

I would like to do History and Politics at the University Of Oxford, and was wondering if anyone could give me any suggestions on what A-Level Subjects I could choose. My sixth-form requires you to pick 4 A-Levels in Year 12.

Thank you so much :smile:)

Hi, i think history is a given and politics would probably be a really good one to take - not because its required but because it will make doing your supercurriculars and increasing your knowledge of the subject so much easier. If your school offers it you should defo take it imo otherwise it’s hard to justify that you’re so passionate about that subject if you didnt pick it. English is another good one, classiv as well, philosophy ? Essay subjects in general!!
Reply 15
Original post by McGinger
How confident are you of getting A grades in these subjects - ie. do you think you will enjoy studying these subjects?

And btw, no-ne needs more than 3 A levels.

A*A*A*A* And yes I will definitely enjoy them!!
Reply 16
Original post by Userwbss
Hi, i think history is a given and politics would probably be a really good one to take - not because its required but because it will make doing your supercurriculars and increasing your knowledge of the subject so much easier. If your school offers it you should defo take it imo otherwise it’s hard to justify that you’re so passionate about that subject if you didnt pick it. English is another good one, classiv as well, philosophy ? Essay subjects in general!!

Thanks, unfortunately the Sixth-Form that I am going to does not offer Philosphy or Classics. However, I would have definitely picked Philosophy if I had the chance too :smile:)

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