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Sqa subjects picking help

I’m going to s6 next year and not sure what subjects to pick as I need to pick 4 but only need higher chemistry and higher maths. What should I pick because I want to keep my focus on maths and chemistry as I need it for uni.
I’d suggest picking subjects that you’re really good at or that will be helpful in terms of career aspects. As you said you want to do maths n chem maybe do something related to that like biology or physics
Reply 2
Original post by ebyrne2036
I’d suggest picking subjects that you’re really good at or that will be helpful in terms of career aspects. As you said you want to do maths n chem maybe do something related to that like biology or physics

Thank you, I was going to do advanced higher bio but then maths and chemistry are not my best subjects and I need good marks in them for university so I wanted my focus to be on them if I do another science it could be more difficult maybe
Definitely pick ones he thinks that you would get a really good grade is doing three an option?
Reply 4
Original post by ebyrne2036
Definitely pick ones he thinks that you would get a really good grade is doing three an option?

Yeah that’s what I was thinking but I’m unsure cause I’ll the ones I was good at I’m doing this year 😭 plus my school is making us pick 4
Original post by Userrrr314

Thank you, I was going to do advanced higher bio but then maths and chemistry are not my best subjects and I need good marks in them for university so I wanted my focus to be on them if I do another science it could be more difficult maybe

As someone who’s doing AH bio and chem they rly take up a lot of time plus projects are back in, does your school have a class that you can do something of you choice in it?
Higher admin and pe are supposed to be not too hard but idk I don’t do them
Original post by Userrrr314
I’m going to s6 next year and not sure what subjects to pick as I need to pick 4 but only need higher chemistry and higher maths. What should I pick because I want to keep my focus on maths and chemistry as I need it for uni.

What subjects are you currently doing highers in
Reply 7
Original post by Anonymous 543

What subjects are you currently doing highers in

Bio Spanish modies english
If your looking for easy subject's that you might enjoy rmps or philosophy could be a good choice I took rmps and found it really enjoyable and I didn't have to put that much work in compared to some of my other subjects. I've also heard that Sociology is quite interesting and not too hard ( but i haven't taken it myself so I'm not too sure) but that could be good especially because it's kind of consider a sience subject or like a social sience

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