The Student Room Group

Perhaps late to the party, but let's go!

Just turned 50, just got my BSc(Hons) in Computing and IT(2:1), really want to get into teaching the subject I've been doing for all my working life.

Just looking for some guidance, useful info, from experienced teachers, and also from those just starting their journey or already on it.

Exciting times!
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 1
Original post by MightyZorban
Just turned 50, just got my BSc(Hons) in Computing and IT(2:1), really want to get into teaching the subject I've been doing for all my working life.

Just looking for some guidance, useful info, from experienced teachers, and also from those just starting their journey or already on it.

Exciting times!

Hurrah! Welcome. I too did 17 years in industry before making the jump. Haven't looked back. And computing is desperate for computing teachers who can actually code. You would be amazed at the number who can't!

It is really really hard work but once you have it cracked workload isn't necessarily a problem. And when I say hard work, I am talking brutal hard work, especially in the first couple of years. Then it gets much easier. Feel free to DM me if you need anything.

Good luck!
Hi hotpud. Hard work I can handle, but which bit/bits stand out as being the hardest part(s) for you?
Original post by MightyZorban
Just turned 50, just got my BSc(Hons) in Computing and IT(2:1), really want to get into teaching the subject I've been doing for all my working life.

Just looking for some guidance, useful info, from experienced teachers, and also from those just starting their journey or already on it.

Exciting times!


Many congratulations on gaining your BSc in Computing and IT. What as exciting stage for you!

Changing career can be a big decision. If you’re wondering about teaching, want to find out what it’s really like, and how varied and rewarding teaching can be, please consider signing up with us at the Get Into Teaching Information Service: . We offer free advice and support to help you decide if primary or secondary school teaching, in England, is right for you.

You may want to sign up for free, one to one support from a Teacher Training Adviser. All the advisers are experienced teachers and they can help you find the information you need to make the right choice for you.

Otherwise, if you would just like a little more information about how the Get Into Teaching Information Service can help, please call us on 0800 389 2500 for a chat. We’d be delighted to help.

All the very best for the future.
Hi Suzanne,

I wasn't aware of these resources and it sounds like they could be useful to me. Thank you very much!
Original post by MightyZorban
Hi Suzanne,

I wasn't aware of these resources and it sounds like they could be useful to me. Thank you very much!

Hi - you are very welcome. We would be delighted to help.
Kind regards

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