Devising a revision timetable: This really helped me stay on track and distribute my dedication toward my subjects after school. I devised the timetable around which classes I had that day in school e.g On Thursdays I had Biology, Chemistry, Geography and English Language - I would dedicate my time afterschool at home to revise the content we went through that day in those classes. I would re-read the textbook and refine any notes.
Work alongside the specification points: I pretty much used this to navigate my revision sessions and to make sure I covered exactly everything I had to know for the exam. Every definition, diagram, equation, mechanism etc...
Pomodoro technique: Although a lot of time will be dedicated toward revision, I've found that revising hours upon hours non-stop actually causes me to burnout, causes mental fatigue and disrupts my revision as a whole. I implemented the pomodoro technique as a healthy way to revise without feeling burnt out- giving me breaks in between to rest and lets my brain refocus back to revision when it's time.
Revision techniques: In my opinion, a very underrated technique is the blurting technique (you can read more about it here: https://bit.ly/3uCzvZl + many other revision techniques) and I've found that blurting helped me retain the content for much longer and much easier.
Devising a revision timetable: This really helped me stay on track and distribute my dedication toward my subjects after school. I devised the timetable around which classes I had that day in school e.g On Thursdays I had Biology, Chemistry, Geography and English Language - I would dedicate my time afterschool at home to revise the content we went through that day in those classes. I would re-read the textbook and refine any notes.
Work alongside the specification points: I pretty much used this to navigate my revision sessions and to make sure I covered exactly everything I had to know for the exam. Every definition, diagram, equation, mechanism etc...
Pomodoro technique: Although a lot of time will be dedicated toward revision, I've found that revising hours upon hours non-stop actually causes me to burnout, causes mental fatigue and disrupts my revision as a whole. I implemented the pomodoro technique as a healthy way to revise without feeling burnt out- giving me breaks in between to rest and lets my brain refocus back to revision when it's time.
Revision techniques: In my opinion, a very underrated technique is the blurting technique (you can read more about it here: https://bit.ly/3uCzvZl + many other revision techniques) and I've found that blurting helped me retain the content for much longer and much easier.
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