The Student Room Group

KCL, Bath or Exeter??

I've got a problem because I am not sure which would be the best. I know they aren't ideal unis but I have offers for BSc Political Economy at KCL, BSc Economics at Uni of Bath and BSc Economics at Uni of Exeter. Which would be the the best for me if I want to pursue a career in Banking or finance?
(edited 11 months ago)
I'd say Bath and KCL are pretty even, and a little better than Exeter. Both Bath and KCL are strong semi-targets for banking. Degree doesn't matter so this really does come down to personal preference. KCL will also be far more expensive over the 3 years, but you might have access to more industry events and networking opportunities. Personally I'd go for KCL but that's because I like being in a city. If you have a preference for somewhere quieter and a more campus-based setting, you should pick Bath. Congrats on your offers, it's a good headache to have!
Bath economics would be your best bet. Bath is arguably more target than KCL and because your course is economics you’d be more prepared for banking and the admissions days/interviews ect
Hi there,

These are all great universities to go to! They are all highly ranked both in the course and overall.

There are lots of things to consider when choosing a uni - I can give you some information around Bath to help your decision.

Firstly, Bath offers a great placement year programme on all their degrees. This is a really good opportunity to get experience before graduating. Bath has good connections to companies, lots of CV and interview practise help and has an extremely high percentage of employment both in placement and post graduation. There is also the chance that doing a placement may land you a job at the same company post graduating so it takes a weight off in your final year.

You may also want to consider your time at university - both the course and free time. Here is a link to the course at bath:
It may be good to look through the modules at each uni and see if any call out to you.

Outside of the course bath has a lot of facilities, from academic help from tutors and mentors, free wellbeing services, financial aid and advice, and 24 hour security. There are also hundreds of societies for you to pick up a new hobby/skill and lots of sports teams where you can play for fun or compete against other unis. There are plenty of sports courts such as tennis courts, football pitches, basketball, olympic swimming pool, huge gym and more.

Good luck making your decision!

Sophie (uni of Bath)

Reply 4
Hi would you mind if I ask when did you get the decision from KCL and what is your stats?

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