The Student Room Group

Which offers more flexibility - Business

DD is planning to apply for a BA/BSc in Business Management and she LOVES KCL - both for the location, reputation and course structure which is super flexible.

For reference, she enjoys creative subjects (e.g. marketing) and has less preference for quantitative subjects (e.g. accounting, finance, statistics).

Unfortunately KCL is also very competitive - so she's adding a second London choice which would either be QMUL or City. For now, leaning towards QMUL as Bayes Business School seems to be more quant heavy. Pls correct me if this is not the case!

Her other potential choices are:
- Manchester (also quite quantitative?)
- Nottingham
- Leeds
- Sheffield

She prefers bigger cities so won't be going for Bath, Lancaster, Exeter etc. Did we miss any other good business schools?

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