I’m thinking I’d applying to KCL, Manchester or Leicester pharmacy through UCAS extra but I don’t know what to do dance my original personal statement is tailored to medicine. Will these unis accept a new one, if so where do I send it?
I’m thinking I’d applying to KCL, Manchester or Leicester pharmacy through UCAS extra but I don’t know what to do dance my original personal statement is tailored to medicine. Will these unis accept a new one, if so where do I send it?
You can only have 1 personal statement. Otherwise you can ring the university you intend applying to and ask if they will accept a new PS. You can only apply to 1 university at a time though extra and you have to be holding no offers. There is no guarantee these universities will have Pharmacy in extra. Give them a ring before applying.
Further to my reply yesterday Kings and Manchester arent showing vacancies for Pharmacy which is what I suspected would by the case. Last year Pharmacy was one of the hot subjects and top universities didnt have vacancies for it.
You can check what is available using ucas course search and filtering on show courses with vacancies. You will then need to ring any university shown as sometimes course have been left on in error.