The Student Room Group

Exclusion criteria dissertation

I'm struggling with what to include for my exclusion criteria for my dissertation. The inclusion criteria is as follows Young people aged between 18 and 25
Lives in the UK
Spoken language is English
Student enrolled in an undergraduate course at a UK university.
Any ideas greatly appreciated. Thanks.
It depends on your subject and study honestly but you don't need much! The only exclusion criteria I have for my psych dissertation is that participants mustn't be diagnosed with a mental health condition. Good luck!
Reply 2
Original post by Laurenalexa.x
It depends on your subject and study honestly but you don't need much! The only exclusion criteria I have for my psych dissertation is that participants mustn't be diagnosed with a mental health condition. Good luck!
ok thank you btw, it's about the relationship between the personality trait highly sensitive person and social anxiety

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