The Student Room Group

I don’t like my form group.

At beginning of year 7, I was put into this exact form group. I had no one else to talk to apart from my friends in different form. I had this trouble with this boy named Connor (he sounds like a ******* broken record) I hardly understand what was he’s saying. Like I said I have no one to talk to until in middle of year, this student joined and just became my friend. We both was genuinely embarrassed being in this form, the form tutor is fine but I don’t really see in that group itself. This boy, Connor coughed on me on purpose and smirked at me. Obviously, I told him to like shut up, me and my friend hate him anyway. At this point I had enough of being in this form and just wanted to move out. Is this enough good reason to move out to different form or I need more?
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I was in a form I hated for 2 years. In the end I got sick of it, and wrote an email to my head of year. Idk why, but they take emails more seriously. If you do write one, make sure you mention that being in that form is not good for your mental health, and starting every day like this would impact your attitude in lessons. Basically, don't just say you wanna move because you feel like it.

ALSO make sure you say which form you want to move to. No point in doing it if they put you in an even worse form. And remember, there's annoying people everywhere you go, so don't expect it to be perfect somewhere else.

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