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how to revise gcse science?

how do i revise the content ? i'm in triple and i really want to start focusing on science more but i'm not sure what to do
my friends have told me to do flashcards but i want to completely understand the content before creating them
usually i do blurting for my other subjects and that helps me quite a lot, but that's only when i know i'm confident with the content, and clearly that won't be exactly helpful with science haha
pls help if you can !!
there are youtubers which do science videos like dr de bruin and cognitofor content and for practicals freesciencelessons and malmesbury school science are good
once you know the content for a topic you could do topic exam questions on a website called physics and maths tutor they also have exam papers on it as well
and once you got the content for a topic fuly down and yiou understand it then i think its a good idea to make flashcards
i hope this helps
Original post by slitheringfoxes
there are youtubers which do science videos like dr de bruin and cognitofor content and for practicals freesciencelessons and malmesbury school science are good
once you know the content for a topic you could do topic exam questions on a website called physics and maths tutor they also have exam papers on it as well
and once you got the content for a topic fuly down and yiou understand it then i think its a good idea to make flashcards
i hope this helps
thanks so much!!
What I do is watch freesciencelessons to understand the content. Then I make flashcards out of his stuff. Then I do practice exams to improve my skills :smile:
Original post by srslysasquatch
What I do is watch freesciencelessons to understand the content. Then I make flashcards out of his stuff. Then I do practice exams to improve my skills :smile:

thats sounds good! thank you!
Original post by rafaelaaacortez
thats sounds good! thank you!

no problem :smile:

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