The Student Room Group

QMUL (Barts) vs Glasgow medicine


I am an international student who has been fortunate enough to receive an offer to study medicine from both queen mary and glasgow. I am really struggling to choose between the 2, and would love to hear some other opinions!

I understand there is a thread made regarding a similar question but it is 8 years ago, so I would love to have some updates news.

I am fortunate enough to say that finances are not a considering factor when it comes to my decision, (and safety because hopefully common sense will do lol), so any input on the questions below would be lovely :smile: (or any other opinions if you have haha)

1) In terms of reputation, I understand that QMUL seems to have a better rep in the UK as a medical school, but Glasgow has a higher QS ranking? So in terms of international/ local recognition, which one is better? Note: this is purely based on recognition and reputation, not other elements.

2) I've heard that Glasgow is quite boring less lively, which I'm sure isn't true, but other forums has mentioned that main ways of entertainments in Glasgow is drinking and pubs, which really isn't my thing tbh, so would London be a better choice for me given that I've got more things to do around the area?

3) Is the living cost in Glasgow really lower than East London? Given the rise in renting prices in glasgow and the fact that East London is not central london exactly.

4) How many exams are there in a year for Glasgow and QMUL respectively? And how are the pass rates?

5) Teaching style doesn't really bother me too much, but if I must nitpick something, I would prefer maybe 65:35 lectures:PBL? Which would be closest to this ratio?

6) I heard that the Glasgow campus is quite small and it lacks socialisation space for students, how true is that?

7) Is the teaching quality better in one place than another?

8) I've seen a post on reddit somewhere that Glasgow's placements in clinical years are really random and far away, which is a concern tbh, is this true?

9) Does london have MUCH more sun than glasgow? Or is it just very rainy VS super rainy?

Thanks for your help!
(edited 11 months ago)
Congratulations! May I know when you got Glasgow offer? Thanks.
1) What I will say about reputation internationally is that going to a medical school in London is more well known than Glasgow - also Barts (QMUL) is a very famous medical school (not many people will recognise it at first due to the name change to QMUL so talk about Barts), Dr Watson from Sherlock graduated from it. QS world rankings change from year to year - but general reputation stays the same.
Reply 3
While it is hard to really compare the two, like others have said Barts is in London and that does provide certain advantages in terms of travel, access to opportunities. Glasgow probably has the edge over QMUL in terms of international recognition as a university, but the medical schools themselves are probably roughly similar in terms of reputation. Ultimately, it won't matter because where you train really doesn't make any difference in the type of doctor you can become.

I would probably make my decision based on whether you would prefer to go to medical school in London or in Glasgow. Barts, being in such a big city may be more anonymous and the community might be less tight knit, but there may be more opportunities to get involved in non-medical activities and make friends outside of a university bubble.
Reply 4
Thank you for everyone's reply! So far it seems that reputation shouldn't be a deciding factor for me as they're quite similar. How about the area in glasgow and london generally speaking? Is glasgow as dull as people make it seem?

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