The Student Room Group

Helppppp exams deferal sick note self certify??

The Student Room Group

Deferring exams extenuating circumstances and self certifying
Deferring exams extenuating circumstances and self certifying
Anonymous #1

I've got 2 exams this week, Tuesday and Thursday.
I've got a lot going on with family at home and haven't been able to revise. I know I'll fail if I take the exams.

Last year something similar happened and I got a sick note to defer.

If I get a sick note it will only cover the previous 7 days, so suppose I got the GP sick note on Tuesday it wouldn't cover Thursday. Should I just wait to get one on Thursday?

Or shall I self certify for both days as you get 2 self certify opportunities a year.

If I sit these exams I know I'll have to re sit the year. I need time.

What do I do?? Any help pleaseeee

#2ndyear #exams #deferal #extenuating #circumstances #self-certify #nhs #placement #uni #healthcare #ama #help!

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