Edexcel A-Level Economics A Paper 1 (9ECO 01) - 15th May 2024 [Exam Chat]
Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.
Wishing you all the best of luck.
General Information Date/Time: 15th May / AM Length: 2hrs
hi guys, so I'm a first year student at LSE, studying Economics and I understand how stressful this time was for me last year so I just want to come on here and offer my notes for EDXCEL Economics, from Theme 1 to Theme 4 as well as in-depth case studies for contextual references and even essay plans! If you're interested, please message - I would love to answer any questions you may have
Hi please help me I am struggling so much I can’t seem to understand the content at all and I have my actual alevels soon I’m js stressing so much to the point I literally feel like dying
also I went from a C to an A* last year in the month before Alevels, so don't stress too much, everything works out!xx
Mod/Volunteer note: Please do not share offsite chat or social media/email handles (don’t ask me why this rule exists), such posts will simply be reported and removed as standard.
If you want to help students out then how about browsing the Study Help or economics study help forum in this case where you can help students out directly on The Student Room via answering their questions and providing advice?
hi guys, so I'm a first year student at LSE, studying Economics and I understand how stressful this time was for me last year so I just want to come on here and offer my notes for EDXCEL Economics, from Theme 1 to Theme 4 as well as in-depth case studies for contextual references and even essay plans! If you're interested, please message - I would love to answer any questions you may have
Hi! Could you pm message me. I am interested in the notes!
hi guys, so I'm a first year student at LSE, studying Economics and I understand how stressful this time was for me last year so I just want to come on here and offer my notes for EDXCEL Economics, from Theme 1 to Theme 4 as well as in-depth case studies for contextual references and even essay plans! If you're interested, please message - I would love to answer any questions you may have
Hi I need help urgently x Would it be possible for you to send these x
Edexcel A-Level Economics A Paper 1 (9ECO 01) - 15th May 2024 [Exam Chat] Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.
Wishing you all the best of luck. General Information Date/Time: 15th May / AM Length: 2hrs Resources Edexcel Economics
Hi! I just downloaded the student room app but I can’t seem to navigate my way to my watched threads. Any idea how to get there?
Hi, if anyone wants any notes for edexcel economics from theme 1 to theme 4 as well as in-depth case studies for contextual references, evaluation points and essay plans - please message me, I would love to answer any questions you may have as well !! 💚
hi guys, so I'm a first year student at LSE, studying Economics and I understand how stressful this time was for me last year so I just want to come on here and offer my notes for EDXCEL Economics, from Theme 1 to Theme 4 as well as in-depth case studies for contextual references and even essay plans! If you're interested, please message - I would love to answer any questions you may have
Do you have any tips for A* exam structure and/or any key terms/phrases/models to aim for A* evaluation? Thanks in advance!
Mod/Volunteer note: A second reminder that offsite chat or social media/email handles should not be shared both in this thread and via PM, such posts will simply be reported and removed as standard.
If you want to help students out then I’d strongly recommend looking at the study help forums and helping people directly in threads on TSR instead (give advice on threads, answer unanswered threads or students questions, share tips, take part in revision and exams threads etc).
Hi, if anyone wants any notes for edexcel economics from theme 1 to theme 4 as well as in-depth case studies for contextual references, evaluation points and essay plans - please message me, I would love to answer any questions you may have as well !! 💚
I cant PM? any other way i would be able to see ur notes if possible?