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Edexcel A Level Physics Paper 3: 9PH0 03 - 17th June 2024 [Exam Chat]

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Edexcel A Level Physics Paper 3 Exam go?

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Terribly 5%
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Edexcel A Level Physics Paper 3: General and Practical Principles in Physics 9PH0 03 - 17th June 2024 [Exam Chat]

Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.

Wishing you all the best of luck. :yy:

General Information
Date/Time: 17th June, am
Length: 2hr 30mins

(edited 10 months ago)

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Reply 1
Do we think based on the exams so far Paper 3 will be difficult? Also are the grade boundaries looking to be higher, similar or less than 2023?
Reply 2
Original post by Viral_
Do we think based on the exams so far Paper 3 will be difficult? Also are the grade boundaries looking to be higher, similar or less than 2023?

who knows - although i doubt the GB will change, if anything, it might increase slightly with the positive responses i've heard from p1 and p2. p3 might be harder though - weirdly many of the common questions (e.g. gravitational potential etc) didn't show up in the prev papers so...
what will maximum grade boundaries possibly be
Reply 4
Original post by Viral_
Do we think based on the exams so far Paper 3 will be difficult? Also are the grade boundaries looking to be higher, similar or less than 2023?

i feel like paper 3 is never too difficult since its usually the same questions that get repeated every year. as long as you know your core pracs you'll be fine. grade boundaries def wont be any lower than last year tho
Reply 5
We can make an 'educated guess' on what will come up on paper 3 considering any big topics that were missed out on p1 and p2 right?
Reply 6
We can make an 'educated guess' on what will come up on paper 3 considering any big topics that were missed out on p1 and p2 right?
I’m lowkey suffering from memory loss, but no GPE/ orbits calculation came up in paper2. Also no photoelectric explanation I don’t think? No materials stress strain, force extension graphs. Not a huge lot on waves like phase, interference etc. For paper 1, I felt like it was electricity heavy, not much on mechanics, projectiles or circular motion explanations.
Reply 7
kinda feel like there'll be a 6 marker on the similarities and differences between electric and grav fields. But it came up in the multiple choice so idk. maybe the lifecycle of the sun or something.
Original post by RiceFrog
I’m lowkey suffering from memory loss, but no GPE/ orbits calculation came up in paper2. Also no photoelectric explanation I don’t think? No materials stress strain, force extension graphs. Not a huge lot on waves like phase, interference etc. For paper 1, I felt like it was electricity heavy, not much on mechanics, projectiles or circular motion explanations.

I think there was a circular motion question at the end the one about the train if I'm not mistaken. There will defo be a log graph question. I do think your right about the other topics though.
Reply 9
I mean half the paper will be about accuracy and precision and the other half is about uncertainties.
Reply 10
Am I correct in saying that anything that has not appeared in paper 1 and 2 has a chance of coming up in paper 3?
I would like to say that they are done with circuits and possibly capacitors? I think we have high chances on seeing stuff on Gravity, mechanics something on materials and possibly resistivity. Any ideas on what the 6 markers can be on. They have already asked about rutherford, absorption spectra.
Original post by diversified-nomi
I would like to say that they are done with circuits and possibly capacitors? I think we have high chances on seeing stuff on Gravity, mechanics something on materials and possibly resistivity. Any ideas on what the 6 markers can be on. They have already asked about rutherford, absorption spectra.

Possibly polarisation.
Reply 13
Original post by Deeja380
i feel like paper 3 is never too difficult since its usually the same questions that get repeated every year. as long as you know your core pracs you'll be fine. grade boundaries def wont be any lower than last year tho

What questions come up often in paper 3 ?
Original post by ball5
What questions come up often in paper 3 ?

have u not done any past paper 3s yet? 😆
Original post by ball5
What questions come up often in paper 3 ?

mostly graphs, uncertainty calculations some stuff about inverse square laws and some form of criticism.
Reply 16
Do u lose marks for sf of the final answer in edexcel papers? I.e. if it's supposed to be to 2sf but you give it to 3sf? I know some exam boards penalise this, but I dont know if edexcel do
Original post by AlaciaAk
Do u lose marks for sf of the final answer in edexcel papers? I.e. if it's supposed to be to 2sf but you give it to 3sf? I know some exam boards penalise this, but I dont know if edexcel do

nope unless question is specifically about a table of results you have to calculate a value from, such as a question where you criticise a student's data they collected etc
(edited 8 months ago)
can someone please remind me what they asked for in the graph question? was there a y-intercept on the graph

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