Outside subject – Philosophy or Scottish Ethnology?
I am applying for Scandinavian Studies this autumn and am already thinking about outside subjects; it sounds awesome! You know, in case I get in. Anyway, supposing I do get in, using timetab, I’ve decided that on top of my Norwegian 1A course from Scandinavian Studies, I’d like one of my outside courses to be Religious Studies.
The other one is a toss-up between Scottish Ethnology and Philosophy. I really liked the sound of Scottish Ethnology when I spoke to Neill Martin on the Open Day in June, but I'm a bit worried it's too Scots-centric. The way he described it, it sounded a lot more international (i.e. comparing Scots folklore with other nationalities') than the prospectus makes it sound. I'm half Scots, half German but I live in England and I'm worried that because I have a bit of an English accent (it's mainly American though; I lived there for a few years too) I'll be shunned. This has happened before; that people come up to me and project YOU'RE NOT REALLY SCOTTISH, or YOU'RE NOT REALLY GERMAN just because I don't live there. Is this a ridiculous, unfounded fear? Am I imagining this? I don't want to have to 'prove' anything; I just don't want people to think "What's she doing here?" What I really want from this course is a look into and comparison between mytholgoy and folklore in the world, as this is what we chatted abotu on the Open Day - for example, about snakes recurring in myths from Norse Mythology to the Hindu Vedas.
Back on topic, I also love the sound of the ‘from Plato to the Enlightenment’ and ‘Morality, Rationality and Value’ courses in Philosophy, and I've been interested in Philosophy for several years.
How common is it for people to take three outside subjects, i.e. 160 unit’s worth?
Or, seeing as you have to get 120 units a year, could 40 of those come from Scandinavian Studies, 40 from Religious Studies, 20 from Scottish Ethnology and 20 from Philosophy? Or would I then be cutting off all chances of ever incorporate Scottish Ethnology or Philosophy into my degree later if I wanted to?
I realise this is a bit of an eggs-before-they-hatch situation, but I’m just one of those people who plans things to the minutest detail ages before they need to be. Planning this kind of thing is like real-life Sims which I later get to live myself!
Also, when you type a language (any language – I also tried this with Danish and German just to check) into timetab, only one course option really comes up, seeing as you have to pick either 1A or 1B for languages. Does that mean that one option is worth 40 units in itself?
Thanks for any help - I realise this is a bit rambly!