The Student Room Group
The name of the place you're working at would be helpfull
Reply 2
The name of the place you're working at would be helpfull

Next, I believe :smile:
Reply 3
Not actually too sure about Next, but in general, proof to work documentation (such as NI number (P45, P60, wage slip or NI card should suffice), passport and visa (if applicable). Possibly also a passport photo for security records.

As far as the role goes, the manager inducting you should advise of the position you will be doing. As far as the content of the induction goes, chances are you'll spend the day watching some videos (customer service, profit protection, etc), basic Health and Safety and a tour of the store.

You should wear something smart, but not overly so. Dress trousers and shoes with a shirt (no tie), perhaps?

Think that covers everything :smile:
Reply 4
hey, I work at next, and had my induction this time last year. I think you can wear pretty much what ever you want to the induction. Alls it's going to involve is you and a handful of other people having to watch the relevant safety videos, and i think a video on how to mark down stock and wrap on sale day. If you are put on the tills, you won't be operating the till itself, it will just be "wrapping" for the cashier, so basically bagging everything up.

not entirely sure what documentation you should take! if i remember rightly it's your national insurance number and passport? but don't bank on me for that! just take those with you, and if it turns out that you need some other form of id, they will allow you to bring this with you on your first shift, or maybe pop it in to them before your first shift.

no worries though, you'll only be there for an hour. :smile:
Reply 5
oh and you'll do a tour of the shop so you know where the fire exits etc are! fun fun!
ive got one tommorow as well. got a 3 day temp for the sales. i was told to bring passport, NHS card and photocopies of both and bank details.
Reply 7
NHS card, really?!

And yeah, should have said bank details in my original post :smile:
NHS card, really?!

And yeah, should have said bank details in my original post :smile:

sorry i meant NI.:p:
Reply 9
Ah, that makes more sense lol.
I have my induction at 7:30pm today. I'm so nervous and don't really own smart clothes... Thanks for all the help on this forum, couldn't find any tips on Next induction day anywhere!
Credit officer code 101599
I have my induction tomorrow (mon 30th) and my first shift is sat 4th but I’m away 3-11 so not available for my first two shifts. I’m really nervous because the managers don’t know yet so when I tell them at my induction will they terminate my contact?? Has anyone had any similar situations??

Any help will be much appreciated