The Student Room Group

Putting pets down

I didn't really know where else to put this. I had to get my cat put down today - he was 15 and had kidney failure - but I feel really awful about it. I keep thinking I could have been nicer to him and done more things for him. I don't actually know what the point of this thread is but I guess I just wanted to talk about it. Anyone have any advice about how to get my head round this? ... :frown:

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Reply 1
I am sure you loved him. We had to put my young horse down because she had a burst tumor, there was nothing we could have done. It was really sad at first, but I am ok now. Just thing of the good time with him
Reply 3
I didn't really know where else to put this. I had to get my cat put down today - he was 15 and had kidney failure - but I feel really awful about it. I keep thinking I could have been nicer to him and done more things for him. I don't actually know what the point of this thread is but I guess I just wanted to talk about it. Anyone have any advice about how to get my head round this? ... :frown:

You're always going to have thoughts similar to that when you lose someone close to you, its part of the grieving process, not nice I know, but at least you know your cat isn't in any pain now and went peacefully :smile: .
Reply 4
I saw this on a friends screename earlier and i think its really nice. Don't be sad becuase its over, smile becuase it happened
I didn't really know where else to put this. I had to get my cat put down today - he was 15 and had kidney failure - but I feel really awful about it. I keep thinking I could have been nicer to him and done more things for him. I don't actually know what the point of this thread is but I guess I just wanted to talk about it. Anyone have any advice about how to get my head round this? ... :frown:

I dont want to sound mean hear but.. It's just a cat, No need to worry about it so much.
Reply 6
i had a dog put down because of a brain tumour. i just think that it was the best thing to do.. he was 15 too, and had had a long life, and we were just putting him out of his misery.
at least the cat wasn't young... :smile:
Aww I'm sorry :hugs:
You'll feel better about it soon though, don't worry :smile:
Reply 8
We've just found out that our cat has a malignant tumour in his stomach and although he is showing no symptoms at the moment the vet said that he will only have a few weeks left. Its very sad because he is about 13 so ive grown up with him there all the time. We will have to have him put down soon before he starts to suffer :frown:
Yer but peeps love their cats BIG HUGS


even if he was just a cat.
Reply 10
Not so long ago i had a cat put down because of kidney failure, i was really upset at first but then realised that she was in so much pain and could hardly walk, it was the best thing she didn't have to suffer anymore. Just think of the good times and :hugs:
I know what u mean, I always feel guilty that I didn't treat my pet how they deserved or wateva (even tho i did!) when they die and that i shudda played wit them more or summin, but seriously, don't worry bout it. Sorry btw... 15 years is a LONG time!
Thanks everyone for being so nice - I'll just try and keep focusing on how good a pet he was :smile:

my hamster just died in it's sleep... it was like 2 months old. thats crap.

we think it bit my dad, and my dad has to take some tablets, and the stuff in his blood didn't agree with the hamster... poor thing.
Reply 14
aww my cat died this year and everyone was crying and having a funeral in the rain

aww its horrid isn't it i miss her so much my little baby!!

its hard to get over as they are irriplaceable they all have little personalitys, im buying my mum a new cat in october next year as she is still greiveing
Funny, Some person just neg repped me for my post. Even though I tried to present it in the politest way possible. I'm almost sure it was swazzle.
Reply 16
My cat died this year, aged 17.

He hadn't been well for weeks, couldn't breathe properly, couldn't jump as well as he could.

We took him to the vet, who gave him an injection to clear the fluid in his lungs. We knew eventually he would have to be put down. However, my cat was in such shock from the injection he had a heart attack and died. I mean the vet tried to revive him, but there was nothing he could do.

I know it's hard, but he won't be in pain anymore, and that is much a nicer thought than to see him in pain.

Reply 17
I read somewhere that putting an animal to sleep when their in pain because you've let their pain end for ur suffering to begin xxx
Reply 18
The vet put my dog down the other day. "Bloody hell," he said. "Your dog is heavy."
Reply 19
I had to have my dog Lucy put down about half a year ago. She was 14. I loved her more than anything else in the world and I still do. The one thing that scared me most in the world was losing her. I swear, if it had been ANYONE else, it would have been less painful. She was the one being I couldn't picture living without. I had to let her go because she couldn't walk anymore. She had some kind of paralysis in her hint legs and in the end, she was no longer able to get up and walk. It was awful.
I had gotten her from the animal shelter when I was 12 and she was 6. Noone else wanted her because she was "too old" and she had been abused by her previous owner. She was a difficult dog and very protective of me. She wouldn't let anyone except for me and my family touch her, but to me, she was the best dog ever. I loved her more than life. At some point, my mom no longer wanted her and said she was gonna give her up. She said either we'd give Lucy away or I would have to move out and take her along. So that's what I did. She was 12 years old then and still seemed like a puppy. I was living on my own with her for two years, until she died. I believe that, for the 8 years she was with me, she was the happiest she could be. I know she loved me like noone else and she meant the world to me. I don't even recall where I found the strength to put her down. I couldn't do it now. It was a nightmare and I wanted to die. I burried her at a local pet cemetery where I go and light a candle for her almost every Sunday. I believe she's at a wonderful place now and I will see her again when I die. She's always with me and it's true what they say about how part of you dies with the person you lose. I really feel that way. There's a little piece of me that will always feel empty without her and she cannot be replaced. However, the pain became less over the months. And I am the one person that would have told you it would never get easier. But it does. I don't always cry anymore when I think of her. Instead I smile. And I believe she's always with me and still watches me from where she is now. I know she isn't mad at me for putting her down. I felt like I was killing her and doing it for myself to no longer have to deal with her misery, but I really wasn't. For the last few weeks, I had carried her up and down the stair, I had spent about 1000 Euro on medication and I wasn't going to school so she wouldn't be alone. I didn't do it because I didn't want to be around her anymore. I did it because there was no way she'd ever be better again. And I did it because I loved her and it was the last bit of help I could offer. In fact, I'm crying right now, because it hurt so much. But really, they know we do it because we care deeply about them and it's the last proof of love you can offer.

About two weeks after Lucy had passed away, I got Sam. I got him off a rescue organisation. He was at an animal shelter in Spain and meant to be killed for no reason other than them having too many dogs. He's an adorable little boy and I know Lucy would have liked him. He's nothing like her and I don't think I will ever love him 100% as much as her, what we had just can't happen twice, but I can't imagine not having a dog around and I know Lucy understands. Because she was such a great dog, I can't be without one anymore. So in her honour, I saved another one.

I know it hurts now, but it will get better. You know you did what was right, too.
There's a forum that really really helped me. There are a lot of understanding and caring people there and many of the poems on that site helped to.