The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
If it's a one-off I doubt they'd think much. Personally I think it's sick when girls show them off on a regular basis - that and bra straps under strappy tops - get a strap less bra for heaven's sake.
Reply 2
a g-string is a very popular form of underwear these days. I'd be more concerned if I saw a girl, in that situation, wearing a pair of old granny knickers.
Reply 3
eww g-strings.
Reply 4
g-strings > granny pants
Reply 5
i'm not a flashy sexual person but i just happened to be wearing some low cut jeans the other day. whilst sitting on those tall science stools in lesson, my girl mate came over and whispered that my g-string was showing. :eek: i had these guys behind me and althought they didn't say anything, i felt quite embarassed. they must have saw. i don't know what they think of me now. :confused:

He he, don't worry about it, it was just one little mistake...

I'm sure you've made the day more interesting for these guys behind you :p: :wink: .

:suith: Sezkin:suith:
Reply 6
i'm not a flashy sexual person but i just happened to be wearing some low cut jeans the other day. whilst sitting on those tall science stools in lesson, my girl mate came over and whispered that my g-string was showing. :eek: i had these guys behind me and althought they didn't say anything, i felt quite embarassed. they must have saw. i don't know what they think of me now. :confused:

why would you wear a g string if you dont want that to happen? :confused:
Reply 7
He he, don't worry about it, it was just one little mistake...

I'm sure you've made the day more interesting for these guys behind you :p: :wink: .

:suith: Sezkin:suith:

Interesting? More like something to perve at :rolleyes:

Reply 8
why would you wear a g string if you dont want that to happen? :confused:

three words: visible panty lines.
I hate seeing G-strings over a girls jeans. Its just annoying and interferes with the way they look cus you see these straps come out from under their jeans and its annoying.
i'm not a flashy sexual person but i just happened to be wearing some low cut jeans the other day. whilst sitting on those tall science stools in lesson, my girl mate came over and whispered that my g-string was showing. :eek: i had these guys behind me and althought they didn't say anything, i felt quite embarassed. they must have saw. i don't know what they think of me now. :confused:

One of my flatmates has her g string halfway up her back!!! Everyday. It must be painful.
I think its hot when you can see their g string. You would have gone up in my estimation :biggrin:
Reply 12
If it's a one-off I doubt they'd think much. Personally I think it's sick when girls show them off on a regular basis - that and bra straps under strappy tops - get a strap less bra for heaven's sake.

I dont see anything wrong with bras under strappy tops :confused: I didnt think anyone did these days its just the norm isnt it?
i love it wen girls do tht - but if u were embarrassed then u prob. didn't mean 2 tease and so u shud be wearing something more comfortable.
Reply 14
I find g strings very comfortable.

But I wouldnt worry about the g string showing - it obviously wasnt on purpose. Its only when you start intentionally pulling up the string over your trousers that you begin to look a bit trashy.
three words: visible panty lines.

A trained eye, mine for example, can still see:p:
No offense...but girls who go around with their g-strings way above their jeans and tops pulled up so it can be seen....hello!!! IT IS NOT ATTRACTIVE anyway it tends to be chav girls - likelyhood a man will want a serious relationship with you if you go round like that- hell in a fling, it wouldnt be a fling, it would be him using the girl
Reply 17
Lolz r people on this forum for real this is an everyday occurence for the filth that are the girls from coventry.... i think it must be their way of identifying rank the higher the g-string the higher the rank....
Reply 18
and bra straps under strappy tops - get a strap less bra for heaven's sake.

What's wrong with that?! I'd let mine show any day (it's normal!) because strapless are not really that supportive.
I find g strings very comfortable.

But I wouldnt worry about the g string showing - it obviously wasnt on purpose. Its only when you start intentionally pulling up the string over your trousers that you begin to look a bit trashy.

Hmm..they obviously do it for the attention. and usually it works!!
looks painfully uncomfortable though?! :eek: