The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Practice Manganese titration questions...

Weve been told that our A2 practical is going to be a manganese titration anyone have any exam style questions similar in style to exercise 2 of :


You shouldn't have been told.
Reply 2
To quote from the attachment itself:

"The strictest possible precautions are to be taken to prevent these exercises becoming known to the candidates in advance, either directly or indirectly. AQA emphasises the need to preserve the absolute fairness and integrity of this examination. This copy of Instructions to Supervisors is to be kept at the centre under secure conditions when not in use; it is not to be removed from the centre."
Reply 3
Ah c'mon...

I do AQA chem, but our assessment for CHM3 and CHM6 partly consist of coursework from a total of about 6 experiments.

What I mean is, we do 6 experiments like the one you're doing whenever it is, under relaxed conditions, with time to prepare knowing what experiment we're doing (about a week's notice), and our teacher takes the best marks from each area (design, implementation, analysis and evaluation) from the 6 that we do to form 1 pseudo experiment, equivalent to your assessed practical.

So this year, for CHM6, I have 29/30 for that part of the module, whereas you guys would have to get it near enough spot on in EVERY area on the day to equal my mark... sounds amazingly harsh to me... !

Having said that, because all the people that do the assessed practical get crap marks, our's get moderated down a long way (mine will probably go down to about 22-24...)

So, being given a few of days to think about the experiment style, not even the task, is not unreasonable I don't think. And let's face it, most colleges are going to hint like hell to their students, and the one's that don't are stacking the odds heavily against them.

Good luck, I wouldn't envy you suckers!
Reply 4
To quote from the attachment itself:

"The strictest possible precautions are to be taken to prevent these exercises becoming known to the candidates in advance, either directly or indirectly. AQA emphasises the need to preserve the absolute fairness and integrity of this examination. This copy of Instructions to Supervisors is to be kept at the centre under secure conditions when not in use; it is not to be removed from the centre."

We havent been told in that way, my teacher deduced it from the equipment list and told us it was LIKELY to be a manganese titration thing..
Reply 5
My teacher gives a hint but doesn't explain the theory before the pratical so many people get stuck.............also we do a similar experiment the day before.