The Student Room Group

Tatakae L's GYG Journey

Hi everyone!

I'm Tatakae L (if you know where that comes from love you loads<3) and I've seen everyone doing this GYG and so I thought I'd start my own too.

So here is what I am doing in Sixth form: Biology, Psychology and Chemistry. Yes I am trying to make myself suffer but I also want to be a doctor so I have to go through this pain. NO PAIN NO GAIN.

Anyways, sorry about that, here is a little bit about me. I am a 16 year old, 17 in may, and im in year 12. I lovvvvvveeeee reading and watching anime, and pets, and people, and just everything to be honest.

So what am I going to be doing on here?
WEEKLY UPDATES ABOUT MY SCHOOL LIFE THATS WHAT. like its gonna be a long thing about what I did that week in school so I'm going to be writing them on fridays. Even though it is study leave week, I will be updating this friday to tell you about the exams that I did. But yeah, hope you enjoy my journey and see if I get anywhere.

EDIT - okay guys Ive decided to do a daily one too just to say how my day went because I'm going to forget and then at the end of the week do a nice hefty weekly one.

Love you loads,
Tatakae L<3
(edited 11 months ago)

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Original post by Tatakae L
Hi everyone!

I'm Tatakae L (if you know where that comes from love you loads<3) and I've seen everyone doing this GYG and so I thought I'd start my own too.

So here is what I am doing in Sixth form: Biology, Psychology and Chemistry. Yes I am trying to make myself suffer but I also want to be a doctor so I have to go through this pain. NO PAIN NO GAIN.

Anyways, sorry about that, here is a little bit about me. I am a 16 year old, 17 in may, and im in year 12. I lovvvvvveeeee reading and watching anime, and pets, and people, and just everything to be honest.

So what am I going to be doing on here?
WEEKLY UPDATES ABOUT MY SCHOOL LIFE THATS WHAT. like its gonna be a long thing about what I did that week in school so I'm going to be writing them on fridays. Even though it is study leave week, I will be updating this friday to tell you about the exams that I did. But yeah, hope you enjoy my journey and see if I get anywhere.

Love you loads,
Tatakae L<3

ooo hello fancy seeing you here :biggrin: 👀 👀! welcome to grow your grades :smile:
Original post by emm4nuella
ooo hello fancy seeing you here :biggrin: 👀 👀! welcome to grow your grades :smile:

AAAAH HIII, i felt like i had to make my own because ive seen people do it and it motivated me. Plus im a hugeeee procrasinator so i thought it would be worth it if I had to tell people what I had done that week because otherwise I'd just not do anything you know. But we'll see how it goes.
Reply 3
Whoah whoah whoah I am early to this, but I saw your name and was like hold up - since when have you had a GYG? 😂 Welcome to our home of productivity (or mostly attempted productivity) - it's nice to have another y12 med applicant to follow too 😁 and ofc a TSR bookclub member. I have yet to start Daisy Jones, but since i'm in a bit of a slump and ill I'm thinking of starting Fourth Wing to maybe get me back into the mood
Original post by Tatakae L
AAAAH HIII, i felt like i had to make my own because ive seen people do it and it motivated me. Plus im a hugeeee procrasinator so i thought it would be worth it if I had to tell people what I had done that week because otherwise I'd just not do anything you know. But we'll see how it goes.

supporting a fellow book club member ❤️ : @Chronoscope @Saracen's Fez @Vic Vinegar @ebyrne2036 @doesgraymatter @user11112234 @amber.07 @squemily16 @marz11 @heartz4moushi @MindMax2000 @AspiringSurvivor @Jacky Pleasant @kayleigh_t.27
Original post by study23!
Whoah whoah whoah I am early to this, but I saw your name and was like hold up - since when have you had a GYG? 😂 Welcome to our home of productivity (or mostly attempted productivity) - it's nice to have another y12 med applicant to follow too 😁 and ofc a TSR bookclub member. I have yet to start Daisy Jones, but since i'm in a bit of a slump and ill I'm thinking of starting Fourth Wing to maybe get me back into the mood

OMDS THIS IS LIKE A BOOK CLUB GET TOGEATHER. i just started the thread cause i finished my mocks on tuesday and i feel as though they were a bit naff cause i just crammed 3 subjects revision into 4 days. so yh. thats why I am here to be PRODUCTIVE because otehrwise i know i am not going to do anything.

I also have yet to start daisy joned but i will sonn, i promiseee, i just havent been feeling it yet you knwo but soon soon .
Reply 6
Original post by Tatakae L
OMDS THIS IS LIKE A BOOK CLUB GET TOGEATHER. i just started the thread cause i finished my mocks on tuesday and i feel as though they were a bit naff cause i just crammed 3 subjects revision into 4 days. so yh. thats why I am here to be PRODUCTIVE because otehrwise i know i am not going to do anything.

I also have yet to start daisy joned but i will sonn, i promiseee, i just havent been feeling it yet you knwo but soon soon .

RELATABLE! I'll be here cheering you on
Original post by study23!
RELATABLE! I'll be here cheering you on

Thx lovey xx
Hello Darlings and welcome to week number 1.

This is my first update on how this week went but because my mocks started last week, you will also get a quick overview on how that exam went too. Okay so lets begin. Study leave started last week Wednesday, but I also had two exams that day. The morning exam was Biology and let me tell you that teacher set up my WHOLE year with that test. Honest, she gave us a list to revise the things that we had learnt so far, then proceeded to put on things that weren't on the test and we hadn't learnt any of them in class wither. Literal sabotage. But the psychology core studies exam that I had wasnt to bad I think. Honest it felt alright you know, like a solid C but who knows I might be getting a tad bit ahead of myself. And if your wondering why I am happy with a C if that is the case, its because I crammed the core studies revision into the 1 hour and 30 mins break that I had between Biology and Psychology, so if I passed off of that then I am ecstatic. Then I had the next couple of days to revise for chemistry, but me being me took thursday and Friday of for a break, did some on saturday and then family came over on Sunday so we all know how that one goes. But the monday chemistry exam wasnt to bad, I dont think I failed but we'll see. Then Tuesday I had psychology research methods and I dont think that went too badly either. I'm basically just repeating myself now but I think ive done alright in everything exept Biology basically.

I'm planning to tidy up my sheets, fix my folders and my desk today so I am prepared t take next week on head strong. My main plans for next week involve an hour per subject a day, not including Sundays, and I am hoping to start this from Monday because I need a break after mocks Im sorry. Im also ill so I am currently sat in my nighties typing this whilst watching s1 bleach because I just started it 2 days ago. Imma finish s1 today and then maybe maybe start s2 or I might just watch something else and read. So yeah. Thats all for now darling. Let's see how productive I am for next weeks update.

Love you all loads
Tatakae L <3
(edited 12 months ago)
Reply 10
Mocks are done! 🥳 Don't apologise for taking a break, have a good rest over the weekend so you're renergised
Original post by study23!
Mocks are done! 🥳 Don't apologise for taking a break, have a good rest over the weekend so you're renergised

I have to be because form now I have to start taking things seriously because I can kiss Uni of sheffield goodbye if I dont and uni all togeather good bye cause my parents arnt letting me leave the house, nuh uh. Plus I acc want to do something with my life so I have to try.
Monday 29th Jan 2024.
Hey guys, I decided to do little daily ones and then on Fridays (I'll make them ones bold) do a overall week one.

So far I have had a pretty decent day, I found out my Chemistry score, I got a C guys. Honestly I feel like I can work with that and its not to bad because with proper revision I know I can get way better. So in my frees and break and lunch today I have been doing a past paper on Chemistry and then the questions I don't understand I just watch the walkthrough to on YouTube. Some of them I dont get so Ive startes skipping them out because I havent even learned them yet.

I also had Psychology and we just did a bit on reasearch methods (self reports) and then we did an Iq test. I just started guessing because do they really think that I can sit throuigh that whole test, its so dry.

But yeah, I'm in my second free of the day and then I have biology and I'll say how that goes later one. I am going to continue revising chemistry and then at home do 1 hour chemistry, 1 hour biology and 1 hour psychology.

EDIT- right lovies, I'm back from school, currently in my comfy as hell bed to update you all. I got my Biology results back too, and I know their bad, but honestly I did better than I expected which is a lot higher than I thought. Its not the offical boundries yet, so who knows they might be lowered because our whole year found it difficult, but I might have just scraped a D which is still a lot better than I thought. But yeat thats all for now. SERIOUS REVISION TIME.
Love you loads bubs
Tatakae L <3
(edited 12 months ago)
Okay starting my academic grind on chemistry now, see you in an hour to tell you how it goes!
Reply 14
Original post by Tatakae L
Okay starting my academic grind on chemistry now, see you in an hour to tell you how it goes!

good luckkkk 💪
kk loveis, just done chemistry, gonna have a little break before moving onto psychology. I did some moles work, titrations, percentage yeild, atom economy and avagadros. basically all the quantitative bits because they are a job and a half. put them into loadsss of exam questions and just practiced practiced and practiced. I think i done decent, and i'll carry on with it tmr or later if i can be arsed. I'll start psych after a little break and then update you on it once im done.

Love you all xx
Reply 16
Original post by Tatakae L
kk loveis, just done chemistry, gonna have a little break before moving onto psychology. I did some moles work, titrations, percentage yeild, atom economy and avagadros. basically all the quantitative bits because they are a job and a half. put them into loadsss of exam questions and just practiced practiced and practiced. I think i done decent, and i'll carry on with it tmr or later if i can be arsed. I'll start psych after a little break and then update you on it once im done.

Love you all xx

Love avogadro because I just called it an avocado 😭 but the quanitative chem is so tricky, coming from the person who took further maths, I still need to figure out back titration.
Original post by study23!
Love avogadro because I just called it an avocado 😭 but the quanitative chem is so tricky, coming from the person who took further maths, I still need to figure out back titration.

i have this sheet that my teacher gave and it acc explains it some, not fully but some and that some is a lottt
So guys, that little break I was talking about ended up turning into an hour one💀💀. But thats okay right, we have to have some free time. well im back for psych and then hopefully some bio if im not tired. <3
My loves, this is the last one for today. I have given up on revision for the rest of today, Im too tired and tomorrow is a long day so im just having a early sleep in istead. Ive done chem and psych so tomorrow im going to start my revision with biology to make sure it doesnt get left out. Thats all for today, love you loads xx

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