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A Level Maths Checklist

AS/A Level Maths Checklist

For the new linear A Level Maths students are tasked with revising all of the content across a 2 year course (1 year for AS). To assist with revision, we have produced a checklist in the posts below that contains every topic that could be in your AS or A Level exams. The checklist includes links to videos and exam practice questions, the majority of which have come from ExamSolutions, MathsGenie, Physics & Maths Tutor and TLMaths. All four of these are excellent revision websites.

As well as the checklist below, here is a printable PDF checklist that you can use to help plan your revision. For more details about how to revise the new AS/A Level Maths have a read through this article. Also please use the Maths forum to ask maths questions, use the Maths Exams forum to discuss individual exams and chat about maths in the A Level Maths Study Group.

Remember that TSR will always be here to help you if you're stuck with a question or just need some moral support! Good luck :smile:

Additional Information - read me first!

(edited 5 years ago)

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Reply 1
(edited 1 month ago)
Reply 2

Year 1/AS Statistics

โฌœ Populations and sampling

โฌœ Median, quartiles and percentiles

โฌœ Box plots

โฌœ Histograms

โฌœ Variance and standard deviation

โฌœ Interpolation

โฌœ Coding

โฌœ Outliers

โฌœ Histograms

โฌœ Correlation, regression and outliers

1 โฌœ Year probability

โฌœ Discrete random variables

โฌœ The binomial distribution

โฌœ Hypothesis testing with discrete data

Year 2 Statistics

โฌœ Non-linear regression

โฌœ Measuring correlation

โฌœ Hypothesis testing for correlation

2 โฌœ Year probability

โฌœ The normal distribution

โฌœ Approximating a binomial distribution

โฌœ Hypothesis testing with the normal distribution

(edited 5 years ago)
Reply 3

Year 1/AS Mechanics

โฌœ Modelling in mechanics

โฌœ Displacement-time & velocity-time graphs

โฌœ Constant acceleration (SUVAT) equations

โฌœ Vertical motion under gravity

โฌœ Forces and Newton's laws

โฌœ Use of vectors

โฌœ Connected particles

โฌœ Pulleys

โฌœ Variable acceleration in 1D

Year 2 Mechanics

โฌœ Moments

โฌœ Resolving forces (inclined planes)

โฌœ Friction

โฌœ Projectiles

โฌœ Statics

โฌœ Rigid bodies/moments

โฌœ Dynamics

โฌœ Vectors in kinematics

โฌœ Variable acceleration in 2D

(edited 5 years ago)
Thanks for taking the time to organise it all :smile:
This is brilliant! Much better than I wouldโ€™ve thought. Thank you so much :smile:
Reply 6
I mean this is cool and all, but most people won't be satisfied unless there's a Further Decision 2 checklist.
Reply 7

โ˜‘๏ธ A good thread

Reply 8
Thanks to @Lemur14 and @entertainmyfaith who helped collate resources! Also thanks must go to @Y12_FurtherMaths who gave me the idea and it probably wouldn't have been made without him :smile:
Reply 9
Amazing! *-* Thank you soo much :smile:
*insert Notnek Is A Hero Change My Mind meme*
Oh god even though I know most of that stuff I still find that list incredibly daunting and scary.
Original post by Notnek
Thanks to @Lemur14 and @entertainmyfaith who helped collate resources! Also thanks must go to @Y12_FurtherMaths who gave me the idea and it probably wouldn't have been made without him :smile:

prsom :smile:
Reply 13
is this for a specific spec?
Original post by n.345
is this for a specific spec?

Read the second bullet point in the additional information, that explains it better than I will :smile:

Posted from TSR Mobile
Reply 15
Original post by Lemur14
Read the second bullet point in the additional information, that explains it better than I will :smile:

Posted from TSR Mobile

sorry I didn't see that! thanks :smile:
Original post by n.345
sorry I didn't see that! thanks :smile:

It says read first for a reason :tongue: You're welcome :smile:

Posted from TSR Mobile

This is simply brilliant - thank you so much for putting it all together.
Reply 18
Original post by The Learn Ranger

This is simply brilliant - thank you so much for putting it all together.

Thanks :smile:
This is incredible, thanks so much to everyone involved in making it! This will be such a useful resource for my maths revision ๐Ÿ˜€

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