The Student Room Group

AS & A-Level Exam Discussions 2022

- (Taking GCSEs? Click here for the GCSE list)
- Welcome to TSR's list of 2022 A-Level Exam Discussions!


Are you looking for a place to chat about this summer's exams? You're in the right place!

Here you can find advice, tips and general discussions for your individual exams.

Follow the links below to join your exam discussions now and get everything you need to be prepared for this summer.

- Can't find your exam in our list? Create yours now here and tag me in @Mythical Pingu to get it added to the list.

- Create yours here!!!

- Check out the All Day Revision Thread to get those hours in! It's a great place to share your progress and track your hours.








Classical Civilization


Computer Science


Design and Technology


Drama and Theatre




English Language and Literature


English Language


English Literature




Further Mathematics














Media Studies



Physical Education







Religious Studies




(edited 1 year ago)

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Sorry you've not had any responses about this. :frown: Are you sure you've posted in the right place? :smile: Here's a link to our subject forum which should help get you more responses if you post there. :redface:
Reply 2
Here b4 the madness :colone:
how are you all feeling about exams?
Original post by Driving_Mad

But seriously, it is what it is, we have revised, we take the exams, we get the results. That’s all. Hopefully we do well.

I agree, just a conversation starter I suppose
i'd create a french thread but cba
Reply 6
Original post by JessD3333
how are you all feeling about exams?

nervous asf 😭
Original post by Talkative Toad
i'd create a french thread but cba

Same here for Edexcel literature and German. Although for a new revision distraction strategy, that sounds pretty good...
seems like we all do languages here
Original post by JessD3333
seems like we all do languages here

STEM enters the chat


Original post by Bookworm_88
STEM enters the chat


I do languages / literature


(edited 2 years ago)
Does anyone here even do CIE:frown:
I take biology and chemistry, but anyone else also doing AQA Spanish? : )
(edited 2 years ago)
i take aqa psychology and sociology
anyone doing wjec german??
Original post by lol2468
anyone doing wjec german??

I do Edexcel German
Original post by penguingirl18
I do Edexcel German

how are you finding it?
when is your speaking?
do u have to do an IRP for speaking?
Original post by lol2468
how are you finding it?
when is your speaking?
do u have to do an IRP for speaking?

I'm enjoying it, but I wish the exam board was clearer about what topic information and vocabulary is expected for A/A*. (Especially because I'm self-studying.) My speaking exam is in early May and I do have to do an IRP. What about you?
Original post by penguingirl18
I'm enjoying it, but I wish the exam board was clearer about what topic information and vocabulary is expected for A/A*. (Especially because I'm self-studying.) My speaking exam is in early May and I do have to do an IRP. What about you?

yh i guess but with vocab it can come up in any topic
my speaking is on 9th may wbu
yh same i have an irp and i dread it lol
Anyone doing CIE Sociology?