The Student Room Group

Old HNC pre Pearson circa 1972

I passed the above in the 1970 s and wish to know the following :-

Do old HNC s passed before 2010 still carry level 5 status .I had to pass ONC before doing HNC .The old HNC only did advanced subjects relying on the ONC knowledge .When the HND was introduced you only needed 1 pass A level to gain entry and that possibly could have been in any subject .Thus a student could have had no prior knowledge of the HND subject causing possibly the first year spent mostly doing onc/ond work .
Perhaps that is why both carried equal status until approx. 12 years ago .

Finally my certificate only shows "passed" with no room for grading .Two friends of my from that era also have the same . Who holds the grade marks now for that period i.e. pre Pearson .One friend managed to get his grading at the time from the College but I did not bother and the College is of no help .
Any comments and help would be appreciated
I have this query also. Got in touch with Edexcel, they say it was a level 5, equivalent to a foundation degree? But I don't know if universities or colleges would accept this as Level 5?
Reply 2
ONC with distinctions was uni entry for City, Kings and Chelsea. Some entered with Low grades at HNC.