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I have applied to law at downing. Have they started giving interview invites?
Linguistics at downing. Most likely I'll be the only person for that on here ahahah
Reply 3
education at downing! on the spreadsheet on the official 2023 camb applicants two people have gotten interviews for law and english for downing so far
I've applied to history! Can I just ask, did anyone get confirmation of receiving written work? Cause I didn't lol and I'm seeing people say they did?
Reply 5
Original post by renegade2need
I've applied to history! Can I just ask, did anyone get confirmation of receiving written work? Cause I didn't lol and I'm seeing people say they did?

nope i didn’t either and it’s kind of stressing me out lmao, i did get an email confirming the aaif form but that’s it
Original post by renegade2need
I've applied to history! Can I just ask, did anyone get confirmation of receiving written work? Cause I didn't lol and I'm seeing people say they did?

I didn’t get confirmation, have you been offered an interview? Saw a history Downing on the spreadsheet! Good luck
Reply 7
where did you find the downing spreadsheet? didn't know they had one
Original post by hlght04
where did you find the downing spreadsheet? didn't know they had one

There’s a spreadsheet on the official Cambridge 2023 applicants where people are entering interview or deselected by course and college, the link is on the very first page of the thread
Reply 9
life saver thank u
Has anyone applied for Land Economy at Downing?
No I haven't! And I'm weirded out by that bc AFAIK interviews/rejections for a subject go out on the same day, and I haven't heard anything back, nor has someone else I know that applied to Downing history. It could be just someone with a bad application though, because they were deselected.
Original post by James1467
I didn’t get confirmation, have you been offered an interview? Saw a history Downing on the spreadsheet! Good luck
Oh that's alright then! I saw Newnham said they don't send confirmation because the written work is checked and added to an applicant's file manually so they don't automate it and the admissions team don't have time to confirm so I'm assuming it's something similar with us!
Original post by lyrafan
nope i didn’t either and it’s kind of stressing me out lmao, i did get an email confirming the aaif form but that’s it
Reply 13
Hey! I applied for HSPS, got my interview email today :smile:. Why did everyone pick downing?
Reply 14
Original post by renegade2need
I've applied to history! Can I just ask, did anyone get confirmation of receiving written work? Cause I didn't lol and I'm seeing people say they did?

no they didn't send any confirmation |:
Good kitchen facilities! And I wanted a college that was not as well known as Trinity & Kings etc. but still old and had that Cambridge feel.
Original post by jaw785
Hey! I applied for HSPS, got my interview email today :smile:. Why did everyone pick downing?
Hi is anyone else's emails from downing ending up in spam? Some of the pretty important emails seem to end up in my spam junk email section it's a bit annoying
any other downing law applicants here? one person on the spreadsheet has supposedly got an offer, but i reckon it's fake because i don't think they'd give one and then wait 2 days before giving any others and there's no name with it :/ either way it sucks waiting, they gave loads of interviews today last year so i hope we hear back soon!!
Reply 18
Original post by renegade2need
Good kitchen facilities! And I wanted a college that was not as well known as Trinity & Kings etc. but still old and had that Cambridge feel.

Yeah tbh I really wanted that old, hidden and Cambridge feel and Downing deffo does that! Have you gotten an interview yet?
Reply 19
Original post by katielc23
any other downing law applicants here? one person on the spreadsheet has supposedly got an offer, but i reckon it's fake because i don't think they'd give one and then wait 2 days before giving any others and there's no name with it :/ either way it sucks waiting, they gave loads of interviews today last year so i hope we hear back soon!!

Not a Law applicant but I would say take the spreadsheets with a pinch of salt. I feel like it's impossible to tell which entries are real and fake. However, that being said downing has begun giving out interviews for some subjects - got one for HSPS. Wishing ya the best, let me know when you hear back!