The Student Room Group

ex unblocked me

she suddenly turned cold at the end of november, tried to break up, then changed her mind. I got anxious, called her like 5 times, she got upset and blocked me, then unblocked me... she kept acting like this for days and it made my anxiety worse, until she blocked me for good. well, she didn't explicitly say we were over, but she didn't unblock me, so I took this as her breaking up for good. So.... she unblocked me yesterday out of nowhere... why would she do this?
Don't bother.

"suddenly turned cold"

"tried to break up"

"changed her mind"

"blocked you"

"unblocked you"

"blocked you again"

"unblocked you again several months later"

She sounds mentally disordered. Imagine if your daily routine looked anything like this:

Your alarm clock rings, but stops for no reason just before you turn it off

Then it starts ringing again while you're brushing your teeth

You turn hot water on in the shower, and its fine, but suddenly "turns cold"

You adjust it, and then it start spouting scolding water instead

You burn your toast because the controls don't work

You miss your bus because the timetable's wrong


Now imagine being in a relationship with a person who is more than just a malfunctioning appliance. Someone who is actually emotionally embedded in your life.

It sounds suicidal. I'd go ballistic if I had to put up with it for any amount of time. But better still, I wouldn't bother with them in the first place.
(edited 2 years ago)
Original post by Anonymous
she suddenly turned cold at the end of november, tried to break up, then changed her mind. I got anxious, called her like 5 times, she got upset and blocked me, then unblocked me... she kept acting like this for days and it made my anxiety worse, until she blocked me for good. well, she didn't explicitly say we were over, but she didn't unblock me, so I took this as her breaking up for good. So.... she unblocked me yesterday out of nowhere... why would she do this?

Forget her and move on
Original post by NonIndigenous
Don't bother.

"suddenly turned cold"

"tried to break up"

"changed her mind"

"blocked you"

"unblocked you"

"blocked you again"

"unblocked you again several months later"

She sounds mentally disordered. If imagine if your daily routine looked anything like this:

Your alarm clock rings, but stops for no reason just before you turn it off

Then it starts ringing again while you're brushing your teeth

You turn hot water on in the shower, and its fine, but suddenly "turns cold"

You adjust it, and then it start spouting scolding water instead

You burn your toast because the controls don't work

You miss your bus because the timetable's wrong


Now imagine being in a relationship with a person who is more than just a malfunctioning appliance. Someone who you actually are emotionally attached to and invested in this way.

It sounds suicidal.

This. It hurts to hear but it’s true.

People like this will drop you the second someone they prefer gives them attention.

It sounds like you are getting played, take the moral victory by blocking her put.
Sounds like a waste of your time to be honest. Sounds like the relationship's been dead since at least November. You don't need problems like this in your life. Better to let her go.
Original post by Anonymous
This. It hurts to hear but it’s true.

People like this will drop you the second someone they prefer gives them attention.

It sounds like you are getting played, take the moral victory by blocking her put.

OP also clearly said they have experienced relatively serious anxiety issues.

I'm making some inferences here, but it sounds a lot like separation anxiety, which is not infrequently related to suicidal thoughts, depending on how far that person is pushed. Such separation anxiety is also notoriously easily exploited in other people. It is one of the worst, far worse than having a phobia of spiders for example. In this context, it sounds like the girl (intentionally or not) is taking advantage of his attachment issues to string him along, whilst she can't make her mind up about him, and is likely pursuing other options in the background. Or perhaps she genuinely has no interest in him, knows it, and only reaches out when she is 'bored' or feels 'rejected' and wounded by someone else. It's all about her, not him.

So when I said that "it sounds suicidal", I was being serious and literal. Not hyperbole.

Whether she's doing this intentionally or not, is obviously beyond me. But this is what can sometimes seriously p*ss me off about these sorts of people: they either don't understand or don't care about the consequences of these kinds of behaviors, and that not everyone they encounter in the dating market will be emotionally resilient enough to put up with this kind of sh/t. A disproportionate number of people on dating apps for example experience social anxiety, which is why they often prefer dating apps. There are many people out there who can get seriously unhinged over this kind of behavior. Yet, that doesn't seem to bother these types very much. And the higher someone's body count is (I'm talking maybe 20 or 50+, depending on their age as well), the more likely it also is that there will be a couple of skeletons like that in their closet, and worse still, repeated instances of such skeletons, indicating a callous defiance to learning from these sorts of mistakes so as not to repeat them. By then they likely do understand the consequences, but still don't care. Likely, they just blame others every time it happens. I know because I've listened to these sorts of stories enough times by now, that I see patterns emerging from all of this. They rarely change, and it is not worth taking that chance on them. You will likely be disappointed.

If you (rhetorically, not you personally) are going to cut someone off, at least do it cleanly and let them move on. Not this tooing and frooing because you selfishly want to 'keep your options open'. Or perhaps because you think you are doing them a 'favor' by unblocking them or talking to them, as if the sun shines out of your and everyone jumps with joy any time they hear from you.

It's disgusting. I've never personally experienced suicidal thoughts. I don't need to either to find these kinds of people appalling. I'm trying to make another point here in saying all this: the OP is seriously better off without her, and shouldn't feel bad about himself at all in this situation. She sounds awful. If you bought an appliance that behaved this way, you would return it to the store or throw it in the skip. And by comparison, any kind of relationship or emotional attachment with this type of person is immeasurably worse.
(edited 2 years ago)
Reply 6
Original post by Anonymous #1
she suddenly turned cold at the end of november, tried to break up, then changed her mind. I got anxious, called her like 5 times, she got upset and blocked me, then unblocked me... she kept acting like this for days and it made my anxiety worse, until she blocked me for good. well, she didn't explicitly say we were over, but she didn't unblock me, so I took this as her breaking up for good. So.... she unblocked me yesterday out of nowhere... why would she do this?

come on

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