The Student Room Group

NHS Scientist Training program 2023 (STP)

Hi All,
This post is for discussion around the NHS Scientist Training program (STP) 2023 recruitment.
I'm happy to answer any questions you may have about recruitment to the scheme, application tips, the SJT and interview.
Feel free to have a general discussion of the scheme here too! I didn't see a post for this year's recruitment and I found it very useful last year :smile:

Key dates for direct entry
STP 2023 Applicants webinar Thursday 5th January 2023 at 4:00pm
Applications open Monday 9th January 2023 at 11:00am
Applications close Monday 23rd January 2023 at 4:00pm
Situational Judgement Test (SJT) open Tuesday 31st January 2023 at 6:00am
Situational Judgement Test (SJT) close Thursday 2nd February 2023 at midnight
Longlist outcomes released Week ending Friday 10th March 2023
Shortlist outcomes released By Tuesday 25th April 2023
Sub preference/location choices open Wednesday 26th April 2023 at 11:00am
Sub preference/location choices close Friday 28th April 2023 at 4:00pm
Virtual interviews Monday 15th May 2023 onwards

Link to STP website
(edited 2 years ago)

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Reply 1
Hi thanks for making this thread! Does anyone know where you can see the STP vacancies for this year? Are they released yet?
Reply 2
Original post by Mxria21
Hi thanks for making this thread! Does anyone know where you can see the STP vacancies for this year? Are they released yet?

No problem!
I don't think the vacancies have been released just yet, though I would imagine they should be released shortly.
I'll mail the NSHCS on twitter to try and find out for you :smile:
Reply 3
Original post by Mxria21
Hi thanks for making this thread! Does anyone know where you can see the STP vacancies for this year? Are they released yet?

I had a reply on twitter, they said: Over the next few days. An email will go out when they are live if you join our mailing list. -KF
Reply 4
Original post by TeamHaem
I had a reply on twitter, they said: Over the next few days. An email will go out when they are live if you join our mailing list. -KF

thank you!
@WacBook are you planning to apply again this year?
Hey. I'm confused about what we're meant to write for 250 words on physical requirements - are we meant to use examples to show how we can perform the duties in the job description (ie done something similar before)? Lots of points in the job description that I would put under the physical requirements I have already covered in scientific skills section to meet the points on the criteria on that.


Does anyone know if the vacancies/posts have been uploaded to the website? I can’t seem to find it

They are not up yet. Last week during the seminar they said that the vacancies should be up before applications open on Monday, if you join the mailing list you will receive an email when they are up :smile:
Original post by Zumrut-kh

Does anyone know if the vacancies/posts have been uploaded to the website? I can’t seem to find it

Reply 9
Original post by emmabrown33
Hey. I'm confused about what we're meant to write for 250 words on physical requirements - are we meant to use examples to show how we can perform the duties in the job description (ie done something similar before)? Lots of points in the job description that I would put under the physical requirements I have already covered in scientific skills section to meet the points on the criteria on that.


Hi Emma,
From last year the section was combined with transferable skills - this was the guidance that we were given on oriel:

Transferable skills and Physical requirements
Write a reflective piece on how you meet the Transferable skills and Physical requirements elements of the person specification. You do not have to cover every element of the person specification but should select those which, in your view, best reflect your strengths.
Please ensure you make your application specific to the scientific specialty you are applying for.

The sections don't have to be evenly split, and I didn't personally write 250 words solely for physical requirements. I think I made a couple of points in total around 130 words. I would relate it to your past scientific experience if possible. e.g. Development of good hand eye coordination during university/in the work place, or an example of a job role that had multiple responsibilities to juggle.
The Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics posts are up. (
Currently waiting for the other posts
Reply 11
Posts for this year's recruitment seem to have been posted now.
They're still under last year's heading, but the posts are definitely for 2023.
Edit: updated link
(edited 2 years ago)
Original post by TeamHaem
Posts for this year's recruitment seem to have been posted now.
They're still under last year's heading, but the posts are definitely for 2023.

Thanks for pointing that out!
Interestingly, for this year's application, there is 1 question to answer with a total of 1000 words instead of 2 with a 500 word limit. Applications will be stronger I assume.
(edited 2 years ago)
Reply 14
Interestingly, for this year's application, there is 1 question to answer with a total of 1000 words instead of 2 with a 500 word limit. Applications will be stronger I assume.

That's interesting. I don't have access as I'm not applying - Would you mind posting the question here?
Original post by TeamHaem
That's interesting. I don't have access as I'm not applying - Would you mind posting the question here?

In this part of the application, you should write reflectively on how you meet the core person specification for an STP trainee (the person specification in full is on the NSHCS website). You do not have to cover every element of the person specification but should select those which, in your view, best reflect your strengths. 

Review of your application will include the qualifications section, so you do not have to list them here.  You can however if you wish, explain how they relate to the specialty you are applying for.  Review will not include employment history so you may wish to write about this here.

There is a strict word limit of a maximum of 1000 words and a recommended minimum of 500 words.

The Scientist Training Programme is a competitive process. It is important that this section is completed in full using the person specification as guidance.
Reply 16
I Cant seem to find the link to the Application could someone please let me know where to find it

Edit: Ive Just found it. If anyone else is struggerling then you have to go to to get started
(edited 2 years ago)
Original post by Hmcl1
I Cant seem to find the link to the Application could someone please let me know where to find it

Make an account here on Oriel:
Hello, are you including your secondary education (A levels or equivalent of) or just higher degrees?
Original post by Marusya
Hello, are you including your secondary education (A levels or equivalent of) or just higher degrees?

I believe it's just higher degrees (undergrad, masters or PhDs).

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