The Student Room Group

RSM Job simulation 2023

Hi there, I have my RSM Job simulation for audit assistant graduate scheme. Does anyone know the questions that will be asked and tips
Reply 1
Original post by Tazz_11
Hi there, I have my RSM Job simulation for audit assistant graduate scheme. Does anyone know the questions that will be asked and tips

Hi Tazz, I’ve also been invited for the job simulation. What were the questions that were asked to you in VI part and what does this overall job simulation consists of?
Reply 2
Hello RRR, I was also Invited for the job simulation
Can you give me tips or advice on how to prepare for it ?
Reply 3
Original post by Jhessie
Hello RRR, I was also Invited for the job simulation
Can you give me tips or advice on how to prepare for it ?

Just prepare for Why RSM? Why your chosen field? And other 2-3 more strength based questions would come up for video interview part. Other tasks are just normal simulations which you will get through.
Reply 4
Hello RRR, I also have the job simulation coming up very very soon
Please can you give me tips and the rest on what to expect?
Reply 5
Okay thank you!
Reply 6
(Original post by Jhessie)Hello RRR, I also have the job simulation coming up very very soon
Please can you give me tips and the rest on what to expect?

It will be based on how you will react on certain scenarios, you will have one written question as well which will be very short, may be some numerical questions as well, I can’t remember exactly tbh. Don’t worry, those aren’t tough, just know RSM’s core values and base your answer accordingly.
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 7
Okay thank you
Reply 8
It’s been 3 weeks since I took the Job Simulation and I’m yet to hear from them. Do you know how long it takes?
Original post by Jhessie
It’s been 3 weeks since I took the Job Simulation and I’m yet to hear from them. Do you know how long it takes?

did you get a response? just did mine today kinda scared
Hello, I have got job simulation, can you tell me what questions were asked?
Original post by Jhessie
It’s been 3 weeks since I took the Job Simulation and I’m yet to hear from them. Do you know how long it takes?

Did you get a reply?
Original post by Tazz_11
Hi there, I have my RSM Job simulation for audit assistant graduate scheme. Does anyone know the questions that will be asked and tips

what questions came up do you know? pls share
Original post by Jhessie
It’s been 3 weeks since I took the Job Simulation and I’m yet to hear from them. Do you know how long it takes?

what questions came up in the video interview?
Original post by sophia2607
did you get a response? just did mine today kinda scared

what questions were asked in the video interview?
Reply 15
Original post by Jhessie
It’s been 3 weeks since I took the Job Simulation and I’m yet to hear from them. Do you know how long it takes?

Hi do u remember how long it took for RSM to reply to you? i hope u c this
Original post by Tazz_11
Hi there, I have my RSM Job simulation for audit assistant graduate scheme. Does anyone know the questions that will be asked and tips

Just make sure u do the practice job simulation that they have an you'll smash it and be prepared to answer competency based questions and most likely and least likely and situational judgement based questions

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