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How much Maths in Biology and Psychology A Level?

Wondering if anyone studying AQA A Level Biology and/ or Psychology can help. My daughter is doing GCSEs this summer and would like to take a level biology and psychology. Maths is her nemesis! She is getting 4/5 in GCSE mocks (6-9s in all other subjects) Is this good enough for A level Biology and Psychology? How hard is the maths content? Thank you
i did aqa psychology but a different exam board for biology ! i didn’t do my gcses because of covid but i got a 6 despite hating maths to the core. psychology’s maths content isn’t too bad, but the biology course i did had some quite tricky maths at times so i assume it’d be similar with aqa biology. i think a 6 is recommended for both subjects but a 5 should be fine
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 2
Thanks for this. V helpful :smile: Has the maths content impacted your a level results/ predictions at all? Are you on course for good grades in biology and psychology, despite hating maths?!! Ha ha!
Original post by Vee50
Thanks for this. V helpful :smile: Has the maths content impacted your a level results/ predictions at all? Are you on course for good grades in biology and psychology, despite hating maths?!! Ha ha!

i did my a levels last year and i got c’s in both biology and psychology. i was on track to get an a/b in psychology but i really messed up in my actual exams and i was originally predicted to get an e in biology because i just didn’t get it at all but this wasn’t because of the maths. i wouldn’t say that hating maths really had any effect on how i was doing on the courses though :smile: just didn’t understand stuff i’m general for biology
Reply 4
Original post by okayykayy
i did my a levels last year and i got c’s in both biology and psychology. i was on track to get an a/b in psychology but i really messed up in my actual exams and i was originally predicted to get an e in biology because i just didn’t get it at all but this wasn’t because of the maths. i wouldn’t say that hating maths really had any effect on how i was doing on the courses though :smile: just didn’t understand stuff i’m general for biology

Sounds like you worked hard to get that c in biology - well done! Exams are tricky and a bit of luck sometimes on which questions end up being asked. Thanks so much for the insights :smile:
Reply 5
Original post by Vee50
Wondering if anyone studying AQA A Level Biology and/ or Psychology can help. My daughter is doing GCSEs this summer and would like to take a level biology and psychology. Maths is her nemesis! She is getting 4/5 in GCSE mocks (6-9s in all other subjects) Is this good enough for A level Biology and Psychology? How hard is the maths content? Thank you

There is very little maths in Psycology A level, there is some in Biology and many getting a 5 at GCSE can do it, you dont need A Level maths for Biology.

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