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BTEC IT level 3 unit 11 Cyber Security

Hi everyone,

I'm currently studying for the BTEC IT Level 3 Unit 11 Cyber Security Exam, which is coming up in May. I was wondering if anyone else here is taking the same exam, and if so, if they have any tips or strategies for preparing for it.

Personally, I've been reviewing the course materials, practicing past papers, and researching online to deepen my understanding of the topics. However, I'm still finding some aspects of the exam challenging and would appreciate any advice or support from fellow students.

If you're also taking the exam or have taken it in the past and have any insights to share, please feel free to reply to this post. Let's support each other in achieving success in this exam!

Thank you.

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I took it in January and recently got back my grade which was a Distinction.

My best advice? Get around 10 threats minimum, and start to expand in detail as you go through the activities (my memory is foggy as it's been a good few nights of sleep since sitting this exam). Activity 3 was where I flunked but also where I would suggest students taking part 1 to work on the most, and not to spend too much time on the others as this. Make sure to calculate how much you actually spend on each activity, as you don't want to mess up time management.

Don't include a completely new threat if you won't mention it in the other activities (unless this is activity 1 for Part A, or activity 4 for Part B - I believe). Being consistent is key to getting grades and linking back to the scenario, don't derail.

When it comes to concluding what caused the cyber attack - do not stick to just one answer! This was my favourite piece of advice given by a tutor after I asked, is there actually a way to conclude what could've caused the cyber attack.

I actually did a lengthy explanation after that explaining that the most likely threats were [signal interference / DDoS] but there was a chance of [sabotage/hacking/malware] even if I did not have much of a reason to include the other threats. I believe being able to make a point, expand on it and justify why you think one is more likely than the other - but the other still being a possibility, is a safe play to get you some extra marks.

Also for revising, look at the examiner's reports. I have done this for all exams and earned a Distinction in each one aside from Unit 2 CSMI (Databases) in which I received NP and then a Merit.
(edited 1 year ago)
Can somebody help me out I got my exam for cyber security tomorrow
And I had one today and I would like to discuss possible threats please
Original post by Ahmed_12772
Can somebody help me out I got my exam for cyber security tomorrow
And I had one today and I would like to discuss possible threats please

How was the exam today did u know what threats to use
Not bad
I don't know what to write explainton for man in the middle attack and vpn
Reply 5
Original post by Ahmed_12772
Can somebody help me out I got my exam for cyber security tomorrow
And I had one today and I would like to discuss possible threats please

was it a mock?? if not what was the scenario???
Reply 6
Original post by zaidlo
was it a mock?? if not what was the scenario???

What threats did you put
Reply 7
I havent done it yet, i have on the 2nd of may
What threats did you put
what threats did you put also what type of of scenario was it
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 9
I dont think anyone has done it yet
Original post by sabiha.rc
what threats did you put also what type of of scenario was it
Reply 10
I have the exam this morning, best of luck everyone!
how may threats did you find in that exam?
Reply 12
Original post by zaidlo
I have the exam this morning, best of luck everyone!

was yours also on the 1980s hotel?

Original post by A£DAN
was yours also on the 1980s hotel?
what threats did you put?

Original post by sabiha.rc
Reply 15
Original post by sabiha.rc
what threats did you put?

i put no domain server, no firewall, display equipment has inputs so could access the main network because they give them full access, command line linux could cause issues for new staff members, files being transferred between the file server and hq could be intervened in the ftp protocol as protocol 20 and 21 are both outdated, weak encryption and floppy disk with sd slot could cause issues as users could inject sql code.
Reply 16
Original post by A£DAN
i put no domain server, no firewall, display equipment has inputs so could access the main network because they give them full access, command line linux could cause issues for new staff members, files being transferred between the file server and hq could be intervened in the ftp protocol as protocol 20 and 21 are both outdated, weak encryption and floppy disk with sd slot could cause issues as users could inject sql code.

How could the sloppy disk threat result in inject sql code
Reply 17
Original post by zaidlo
How could the sloppy disk threat result in inject sql code

The floppy disk can't but the SD Cards could
Did anyone do part b today what did you all put Cus I think I flopped it like some ideas
Reply 19
Original post by jjj7666
Did anyone do part b today what did you all put Cus I think I flopped it like some ideas

No, but what was it about? I got it soon

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