The Student Room Group

btec nationals diploma IT

hi i want to get into newcastle uni but i dont think i apply to btec requirements

i’m currently doing cambridge btec nationals diploma in IT and a btec nationals certificate pearson for business

i want to get into cyber security thanks
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by sam11_k
hi i want to get into newcastle uni but i dont think i apply to btec requirements

i’m currently doing cambridge btec nationals diploma in IT and a btec nationals certificate pearson for business

i want to get into cyber security thanks

If the information displayed on the Newcastle web site for their Computer Science (Cyber Security) BSc Honours degree (here) is accurate, then you are correct - your qualifications do not meet the entry requirements. They say they accept:

"Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma/OCR Cambridge Technical Level 3 Extended Diploma.

D*DD. Minimum grade B or 6 in at least five GCSEs required, including Mathematics.

From what you have written, you are not taking an Extended Diploma. However, you might like to contact them to double check. Sometimes universities don't list each and every combination of qualifications they accept, as there are simply too many. You can do so via their Enquiries form, here.

It's also worth pointing out that you are not taking the qualifications you think you are. BTEC Nationals is a brand owned by Pearson. Cambridge Technicals (often abbreviated to CTEC) is a brand owned by OCR. There is no such thing as a "cambridge btec nationals diploma".

What I suspect you are taking is an OCR Cambridge Technicals (CTEC) Level 3 Diploma in IT (worth 2 A levels) and a Pearson BTEC Nationals Level 3 Certificate in Business (worth half an A level). Hopefully I'm wrong and your Business qualification is actually a Pearson BTEC Nationals Level 3 Extended Certificate in Business (worth a full A level). I say this because most unis will expect 3 A levels (or equivalent), not 2.5.

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