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OCR A-Level Chemistry B Paper 1 (H433/01) - 12th June 2023 [Exam Chat]


How did your OCR A-level Chemistry B Paper 1 exam go today?

OCR A-Level Chemistry B Paper 1 (H433/01) - Monday 12th June 2023 [Exam Chat]

Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.

Wishing you all the best of luck.

General Information
Date/Time: Monday 12th June / AM
Length: 2h 15m

OCR B (Chemistry)

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Reply 2

Do you have any predictionsss
anyone actually do this exam board? honestly wish i did ocr a at this point
Original post by amythestx
anyone actually do this exam board? honestly wish i did ocr a at this point

same idk why our teachers had to pick this dumb exam board, at least the grade boundaries are lower
Original post by amythestx
anyone actually do this exam board? honestly wish i did ocr a at this point

Original post by lifeofpablo1
same idk why our teachers had to pick this dumb exam board, at least the grade boundaries are lower

Yh OCR B is long bc of the article as well :s-smilie: Where can you even find the article online?
well gl everyone
Not bad test. Struggled with pH ratio question though
Original post by Awesomehole3333
Not bad test. Struggled with pH ratio question though

omg i didnt even know what to do for that one, i just calculated h+ conc and hoped for the best
Original post by amythestx
omg i didnt even know what to do for that one, i just calculated h+ conc and hoped for the best

I did this too! I got 18 but I think that's wrong....
Did anyone else find the multiple choice really hard
i found the paper a bit harder than past papers wbu guys
That was definitely the hardest paper the exam board has released
When you find the h+ conc u need to find the OH- as naoh is a strong base and mostly disaassosiate to OH- i think this is where kw comes in, not sure tho

Original post by amythestx
omg i didnt even know what to do for that one, i just calculated h+ conc and hoped for the best
Original post by Goghhhgghggghhgg
When you find the h+ conc u need to find the OH- as naoh is a strong base and mostly disaassosiate to OH- i think this is where kw comes in, not sure tho

Did you then divide the acid conc by the OH to get ratio
does anyone have ant predicted questions for the paper 2 article?
Reply 17
That question on emission spectra was really weird.
Original post by Sophiew004
I did this too! I got 18 but I think that's wrong....

i got 17.9
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by smiggs
That question on emission spectra was really weird.

yes fr - i didnt understand it