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Eduqas GCSE English Literature Paper 1 [17th May 2023] Exam Chat

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How did the WJEC EDUQAS GCSE English Literature Paper 1 go for you?

Great 32%
Quite well 45%
Not so good 14%
Total votes: 22
WJEC EDUQAS GCSE English Literature Paper 1 (C720QS-1) - Wednesday 17th May 2023 [Exam Chat]

Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.

Wishing you all the best of luck.

General Information
Date/Time: Wednesday 17th May 2023 / AM
Length: 2h
Reply 1
Original post by Vinjardin

Amazing, I've moved this into our English forum!

How did you find the paper?
For the poem anthology where it was the presentation of place, would Hawk Roosting have been ok to compare it to?
Reply 4
Original post by Goatfarmer888
For the poem anthology where it was the presentation of place, would Hawk Roosting have been ok to compare it to?

Don’t really see much you could compare ‘place’ to in hawk roosting tbh, it’s all about how you presented, I did living space which was probably one of the best you could’ve done, best not to dwell and move on however
Original post by Djdjdhd
Don’t really see much you could compare ‘place’ to in hawk roosting tbh, it’s all about how you presented, I did living space which was probably one of the best you could’ve done, best not to dwell and move on however

Talked about the setting (the woods) the hawk is in and how he controls it and the presentation of that. 🤷*♂️
Original post by Goatfarmer888
For the poem anthology where it was the presentation of place, would Hawk Roosting have been ok to compare it to?

My friend also did Hawk Roosting. There are definitely comparisons like "the high trees" and "earth's face upwards." I did Ozymandias talking about the "antique land", "lone and level sands", also comparing people in power in each place (London vs Egypt) and how i felt about the remains of each place ("blood down palace walls" vs "vast trunkless legs of stone"). Afterwards i thought Living Space was the easiest though but i kept using the word place to stay focused. hopefully i wasnt too side tracked. (I also realised i wrote London was iambic pentameter instead of iambic tetrameter but oh well)
Reply 7
Does any know what the Romeo and Juliet questions were about?
Reply 8
Does anyone know the questions for macbeth, jekyll and hyde or an inspector calls?
You can find the questions if you read the examiner's report

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