Way back when, I dated a 24 year old man when I was 17/18 (first year uni, he was in second year, living with 19 y/o second years).
Whilst at the time I was bowled over that he wanted to go out with me (he was tall, dark and widely thought to be gorgeous looking) and in some ways he was a gentleman, I look back now some decades later and think... What the hell was I thinking?! It took me ages to untangle myself from that relationship. I look back now and realise how much emotional blackmail was involved. He wasn't a bad person, but he wanted different things from my peers, he was persuasive, he actually wasn't that mature or bright but being older to a younger person he seemed it for the first while. I missed out, I am so glad I escaped to live my life to the full before he tied me down with children and a mortgage before I'd even developed my own persona.
This may not apply to you, but it is a big risk when you haven't had a chance to experience much life beyond school. Don't give up your youth for someone else's convenience. Most smart young men want their intellectual and financial equal in a relationship - beware an older man who goes for someone so young, they may be controlling you so well you don't even recognise it until too late.